Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fabulous Free Pattern Friday

Good Morning Everyone! I do know it's Thursday, I just thought I would give you a little bonus this week. Yea!!
The Fleece Ski Hat
The weather here in Chicago is beginning to turn. I'm so happy!! Fires in the fireplace, hot chocolate, snowshoeing, skiing, hot spiced wine.....I love it all.
Today's little pattern is so super easy. A little rectangle as usual. There will never be a reason to buy another fleece hat. I bought the fleece for this hat at Joann's. It was on the remnant rack and the entire yard I think was about $4.00 and then I got 10% off that. I can get 6 hats out of a yard of fabric, that brings the cost down to about 60 cents per hat! Wow! Now there's a reason to sew.
Begin by measuring your head. I should have included a picture, sorry about that. Just measure around your head. Remember, this is a snug fitting cap so you do not want any ease. For the length, I used 12", this should be enough to give you a 2" hem as well. A typical head measurement is 22". If this is good for you, your rectangle would measure 22" x 12". Remember, no need for ease, the fleece will stretch.
I did the entire hat on the serger. Begin by sergeing the bottom edge of the fleece.

Fold and serge the seam which will become the center back seam. At this point, try on the hat. If it isn't snug enough, simply cut of the serged edge and sew another seam.

Turn up the bottom edge. You can use a zigzag stitch to sew in place. I like to use a double needle and sew from the right side. I get a nice double row of stitching and on the back side I have the zigzag stitch that I need for the stretch. Once you have sewn the hem in place, fold your hat as you see in the above picture.

 Serge the seam at the top of your hat.
The hat could actually be worn at this point. You could put some tassels on the corners and make it rather fun, but I wanted something a little less funky.
 Wow, I look like Thor in this picture!! At this point, try on the hat and pinch the corners,
pin the corners,

 and then serge across the corners.
And you're finished. The hat takes no more than 30 minutes to make, start to finish. I made two yesterday, one for me and one for my husband. A friend came by last night and my husband was showing him the hat. He tried it on.....and it went home with him. No problem, I'll make another. Really great for presents. I'll meet you at the remnant bin at Joann's!!
Have a wonderful day!

My Little Bit on my sewing table. She started her life off as black as the night. I swear she's going to end her life completely white. Too funny.


  1. Great gift idea, Rhonda! I like the way yours looks on you!

  2. Wonderful idea for quick gifts. Is Thor the dog? I'm guessing yes (because the ears look like you hat before trimming....)

  3. How much do you turn up the hat edge before topstitching with the twin needle?

    1. Two inches. I actually didn't use a twin needle, was too lazy to change needles ;), so I did 2 rows of topstitching.

  4. Great idea for Christmas gifts! Thanks
