Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Saturday, October 22, 2011

War Horse

A friend recently passed this book on to me. I am in love with this story.
Yes, there are many things that I love and find pleasure in, one being the day's mail and I especially love when my copy of Vogue magazine arrives. This evening I decided to just quickly flip through and when I came across these pictures, I immediately knew they were based on the story of "War Horse." Such a beautiful layout. (Please forgive my awful pictures)

The pictures capture so beautifully the passion of the story and the bleakness of the war. My friend that gave me the book warned me that I would cry, and I did. I will tell you that it does have a happy ending.
The story has been made into a Broadway play. It you would like to see how they made the horses come alive on stage, you can see a video here.
This Christmas the motion picture version of the story will be released. Please, please, read the book first. As I watched the movie trailer, I was overcome with emotion because I had read the book. I sincerely believe that the experience of the movie will be so much richer because you read the book first. If you would like to see the trailer from the movie, the link is here. You'll have to wait through a commercial, but it's worth it.
Yes, this is a story about war, but what I saw as I read the book is that this is a story of true love, the kind of love we all long to feel, love that will risk life and limb in  order to save the other.

The November issue of Vogue magazine.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I am going to have to search for this book! The pics looks AWESOME!!!
