Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Sewist's Disneyland

I recently had the opportunity to visit my favorite fabric store....anywhere, High Fashion Fabrics in Houston, Texas. I'll never forget the first time I visited this store. I think my mouth was wide open (and drooling) the entire time I was there. 

The store is incredible. Just a little heads up, this is not a store for bargains. What I do like though is that if I'm looking for a specific shade of silk charmuse, I'll find it here.
As you enter the store you are immediately struck by all the embroidered laces that are draped over fitting forms calling your name and chanting, "buy me, buy me."
The family who owns the store is from Korea. They have racks of the traditional material which can translate into incredible garments.
Isn't this phenomenal? And I'm only showing you the main room of the store. There's another huge room that has knits, cut velvets and cottons.
There are more silks than I ever thought existed.
And even more laces, embroidered, sequined, feathered, you name it.
My pictures really don't do the fabric justice.

If you have the opportunity to go to Houston, make a point of stopping by High Fashion. You'll be happy that you did. As I said though, they aren't a bargain store, so choose carefully. Now here's the question, did I buy anything? Oh, you know I did. I'll share it soon.  

1 comment:

  1. What a spectacular selection. It's just a joy to get to see all of these beautiful fabrics.
