Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Progress While Seeing Green

Back in August I shared with you this dress that I made some time ago. The dress is lovely, but I wanted it to have a little extra spark, so I added ruffles and made a partial petticoat in the skirt. 

I also wanted to add a little spark to the bustier, so I decided to add a row of crystals to the top and bottom edge.

I did this by simply doing a backstitch and sewing the crystals along the piped edge.
I thought that I would share how I get into the bustier. In this picture you see a snap that is along the edge of the zipper.
The bottom edge of the zipper is finished. I hold on to this to zip the piece closed.
Once zipped, I snap the zipper in place and it's out of the way.

All in all I am very happy with the outcome, so far. All that is left is to add a ruffle to the top and bottom edges. I'll show that to you tomorrow. 
Hope you're having a wonderful day.