Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Friday, November 9, 2018

Free For All, Free Patterns For You and Others!

We are getting our very first snow here in Chicago. Nothing to write home about, just a wet, rain like snow. But, what's in the air is so very pretty. Winter is definitely here!

A few days ago, one of the trees that is out in front of my house lost all of its leaves in what seemed like a few hours. Once the leaves were on the ground, the tree revealed a little secret it had been hiding, a lovely hornet's nest. Call me crazy, but I have always wanted a hornet's nest. To me, they are an amazing piece of artwork.

So, my husband helped me pull out a ladder, and I climbed up and snipped my little prize out of the tree. 

I think it is just amazing!

While I can be crazy, I'm not stupid(well, sometimes). I put the nest inside a plastic garbage bag, tied the top, and it is out in the garage awaiting our first hard freeze before I bring it indoors. Hopefully, all will be fine and I won't end up with a very angry hornet in my house ;)

Thanks so much to all of you who purchased my design from Spoonflower. I am so very honored:) I also purchased a few for gifts, and mine arrived yesterday. So excited!!! Something I never would have dreamed I would be able to do.

With the holidays coming up, I thought I would share a few of the free patterns that I've found that would be fun to wear, or would make great gifts.

I really love this caftan pattern from Sew Daily. It is a graded pattern, so a number of sizes are available. You will need to register on the site to download the pattern. You can find the pattern HERE. It can be made without the tie for a looser fit. 

If you are looking for something lovely to give to a sewing friend, or yourself :), this pattern for a sewing machine and serger cover from Closet Case Patterns is free and fabulous. You can download it HERE.

Jumpsuits are all the rage! While this is a sleeveless jumpsuit, it would pair so easily with a t-shirt, or turtleneck and move right on into winter. This free pattern from In The Folds can be found HERE

Pattern Union gives you all the directions you will need to draft out this super cute, and easy to make dress. It's free with the code MAISIE. You can find it HERE. To draft out the pattern, you will only need 2 measurements, hip and skirt length. So, this is a great opportunity to make something for an out of town friend or family member. The only hard part is getting them to give you their hip measurement!!!

Another fun and very versatile piece from Pattern Union is the Phoebe Jumpsuit. It's free with code PhoebeFreebie, and you can find the pattern HERE. Pop over to the Pattern Union Instagram site to see all the fun hacks they have done with the pattern. With 1 hack, rather than making it a halter, they cut 2 backs and did shoulder ties. Again, that hack takes it from summer to winter paired with a t-shirt or turtleneck.  

A little clutch always makes a lovely gift. The pleated clutch below is from I Think Sew's book, Bags-The Modern Classics. You can find the free, downloadable pattern HERE.   

And last but not least, I love this free turtleneck pattern from Tessuti Fabrics. You can find their Monroe Turtleneck pattern HERE

All of the patterns are quite easy to make, and should go together quickly. Now, if I could just give you a link for some free time!!! ;)) 


  1. Hornet’s nests are so cool. My husband has one in his shop hanging up. It’s huge!

    1. I'm so jealous ;) I've seen some that are huge, but I have never been at the right place at the right time in order to retrieve it. But, I'm really happy with this one :)

  2. Love the hornet's nest. I once had an infestation of hornets in my attic. I had to call the Critter Control people out, and I had no idea where they were coming from. The people came out in major protection suits and head/face covers and found a nest just like yours in a tree in our backyard. Unfortunately I was not home when they found it and they destroyed it. I was so disappointed because I, also, wanted it as a decoration piece. Congratulations on finding and being able to preserve yours.

    1. Wow!!!, hornets in your house. What a nightmare!So happy that they were able to get rid of them, but so sorry you missed out on the nest.

  3. Wow, I have never seen a hornet's nest up close. It is lovely and hopefully because of the cold Chicago weather, the hornets have gone south! thanks for listing the free pattern sources.

    1. This is the first that I have actually had my hands on. Such a gift :)
      WE had a very hard freeze a couple of nights ago, so I should be in good shape. But, I think I'll wait for another very cold night before I open the bag ;)
