Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, October 22, 2018

Serendipity...It Just Happens

A very happy start to the week!

I had an incredible weekend!!! On Friday night, my husband and I attended an event called the Midnight Circus. It was 2 full hours of WOW! The troupe is an eclectic group of artists who have a shared vision that live performance has the power to engage and inspire their audience, the community, and even the world. A small circus tent is erected in the park, and inside the cozy setting you find acrobats, tightrope walkers, and even a dog!!! If you live anywhere near Chicago, by all means, try and make a performance next summer. The circus is performed in 28 parks across Chicago, from the poorest neighborhoods, to the wealthiest.  But, get your tickets early as they sell out!

Yesterday, a group of Haute Couture members and I made our way out to see the Fine Line fashion show, Uncommon Threads. It was a feast for the eyes. There were fabulous hand dyed and hand woven garments. We had such an incredible afternoon. Again, if you are anywhere near the Chicagoland area, put the fashion show on your calendar for next October. 

Maybe it's the cooler weather, maybe it's just the passing of time, but I am feeling more myself these days. I'm enjoying the creative process just for the sake of the process. 

I have been cleaning out...SO MUCH!!! I sent 3 very full bags of clothing to the resale shop last week. My closet has been paired down, and now I am ready for some new items. While cleaning/clearing out, I came across a box of items that for the life of me, I can't remember why I put them in a box. I found this dress that I started, whew!, I don't even remember when.

It's a gorgeous navy and red iridescent knit. Why I didn't finish it, I have no idea. But, I tried it on, it looks fabulous, so I am set with a wonderful party dress for the holiday season.

For some reason, the shawl below from Purl Soho spoke to me. 

Two different yarns are used to create the piece, Flax Down, and Linen Quill. It was 353 stitches of knit one row, and purl the next. I would typically find a project like this to be especially boring, but, I found it to be so therapeutic. Mine is my favorite color :) If by chance you think you might enjoy a very simple project, you can find the pattern HERE.

A few years ago, I knitted this vest. I haven't worn it all that often, and thought of giving it away, but so glad that I didn't!

It's a perfect match to my new shawl! I just couldn't believe my luck!!!

The shawl below is a lovely vintage mohair piece from Scotland. Again, I have had it for years, but just couldn't part with it. I have only worn it a few times as it is just not quite as long as I would like for a shawl. 

Again, a perfect match to my new shawl. There is plenty to make into a skirt, so now I will have 3 fun, mix and match pieces.

I truly believe serendipity was on my side.

The skirt should be finished soon as I can't wait to wear it.

Have you had anything just materialize right before your eyes without any planning? It sure is wonderful when it happens :)

I hope a little serendipity finds it's way into your life this week and brings about some wonderful gifts!


  1. Those pieces are all lovely. Serendipity indeed!

  2. Wow! What a lovely Blue dress!♥ The knits are gorgeous too!

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