Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tuesday Tart/An Easy Rustic Apple Tart

A few months ago, I was in for my usual eye checkup. Long story short, I was told that I have a cataract in my left eye, not one that is growing, but one that needs to be removed. Shocked, and I don't know why. Between the moles on my retina and the threat of cancer in my eyes, nothing should shock me at this point. But, it did. I looked at the doctor in disbelief and said, rather, exclaimed, "But I'm too too young to have cataracts!" The doctor is a lovely, gentle man. He smiled a caring smile and said that while typically that's true, even children can get cataracts, although it's rare, and the situation I have is also quite rare. My right eye is absolutely fine, in fact very close to perfect vision. 

Yesterday, I saw the surgeon who will remove the cataract. She did find the formation of another mole, a third one, on my right retina. She said that there was no sign of malignancy whatsoever, but I was disappointed to hear that yet another is forming. 

A few days ago, my husband and I were driving back to Chicago, actually, I was driving. I looked down and saw that the engine light was flashing. We stopped, got out the manual, checked the oil, and did all the other things the manual suggested. Turned the car back on and the light was still flashing. The manual said to drive at no more than 31 miles per hour and get to the nearest dealer. Thank God for cell phones!!! I found a dealer in Moline, IL that was only a few miles away. As we drove, I told my husband, knowing that he was quite upset, "this is not the end of the world, it's a car, no one is dying." As it turned out, it was an issue that Honda knows about. The mechanic changed a spark plug, wrote up what was wrong, and told us that we would easily make it to Chicago and have time to get the vehicle to our dealer. The work the mechanic did was under warranty, so no charge, and the work that needs to be done will be covered as it's a recall situation with Honda. I have never had such a positive, pleasant experience at a dealership. I told my husband that we will purchase our next vehicle from Zimmerman Honda in Moline, IL! 

As my husband drove me home from my doctor's appointment yesterday, I thought about the car situation, and how well it turned out. I thought about my angst over my eyes, and then I whispered my words back to myself, "this is not the end of the world, no one is dying," and I added, "even if I do lose my eyesight, all will be fine." 

I recently found this below. A beautiful reminder to just let go and live as fully as we possibly can.  

I love dessert! Hey, who doesn't?!!! While a complicated dessert can be fun to make from time to time, I find that especially when I have a dinner party, a complicated dessert is just too much after a meal. And too, making a complicated dessert on top of all the other things you have to do when preparing for guests, well, it can be a little overwhelming.

This simple dessert is nothing more than a little puffed pastry, apples, cinnamon, sugar, and butter. What's not to like, right?!! And then the smell of it baking, just the best!  

Depending upon how many you will be serving, take a full sheet of puffed pastry, or a half, and roll it out on a floured surface.

Remove the skin from the apples and slice. Arrange in the center of the pastry sheet. Sprinkle with mixed cinnamon and sugar. The amount will be up to you. I don't like a lot of sugar as I find the apples to be fairly sweet on their own. If you would like, you can add raisins, and or walnuts to the top of your apples. 

Slice butter and arrange on top of apples.

Fold the edges of the puffed pastry dough over the apple mixture. Place on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Bake in a preheated oven at 425 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes, or until the dough has browned and the apples are oozing a bit of juice.

Allow to cool a bit before serving. 
Slice and serve with a cream topping. Your guests will LOVE it! And it's just the right amount of sweet after a meal.

When I was learning to fly, and just about to be signed off to begin my solo work, my instructor gave me some wonderful advice, "If you ever have a question about whether or not you should take a flight, be it weather issues, mechanical issues, or your own physical state, ask yourself, how important will this flight be to you in 5 years. I can assure you, it will never be worth your life."  

So often, I know that I can get so upset about things that really don't matter. I've learned, or rather, I am learning to take a breath, give myself a moment to think, and I will usually realize that whatever it is that I am so worked up over, it really doesn't matter to the degree that I am allowing it to upset me.    

Take a breath :)


  1. Here is a sentence I remind myself of when called for: " lt is almost impossible to overestimate the unimportance of most things." I forget off the top of my head who said it, but I frequently find it helpful.

  2. Aww, Moline is my hometown. Nice to see it on a sewing blog. And yes, the people are generally sweet.

    1. Well if everyone in Moline are like the people at Zimmerman Honda, it’s a pretty special place to live 😊

  3. Thanks for the recipe. My husband loves anything apple. You’ll be in my prayers as you go through surgery.

    1. Thanks Ginger. Prayers are always appreciated. I’ll let you know once I have the date set.

  4. Unless you are twenty, you are not too young for cataracts. They form, they can be removed, and life goes on. It's gotten to be a very simple procedure, and you will be very pleased with the results (your brain has probably been compensating and you didn't know it). Good luck.

  5. I'm sad that you have another health issue to deal with - it seems so unfair. My MIL has had cataracts removed from both eyes and is thrilled with the results. I hope your operation is as simple and successful as hers.
    Your attitude and advice is perfect. We need to be reminded from time to time just how unimportant some of the things we fret about really are. K x

  6. Yes - a fabulous post! I love that saying. Good luck with your op.

  7. Easiest surgery I ever had. Don't seat the small stuff as they say. Too bad we don't get that till we get old or get sick or someone dies.

  8. I love your apple tart recipe! My husband has had cataract surgery and was thrilled to not have to wear glasses all the time since he was 12. His surgeon told him the actual surgery is 7 minutes long. Hopefully you will be equally pleased with the results.

    1. My aunt wore coke bottle lens glasses all her life. Had cataract surgery in her late seventies and only needed glasses for reading afterwards. She actually cried when she realized how well she could see. I’ve to take the “lucky me” outlook, getting it done and over early. What’s so shocking to me is that my eyesight has been incredible all my life, and then suddenly the moles on my retina, and now the cateract. But I am in good hands, all will be fine 😊
