Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Final Sewing Caddy Winner, and A Birthday Present For Me!

When I was in the second grade, there was a man who began driving around the school play yard and trying to lure children into the car. At 7 years old, I didn't understand the true implications of what he was up to, but I knew it was wrong. I remember being afraid for anyone who might get in the car, where would they go, and would they be able to get home? Of course the intentions of this man were far more dangerous and disastrous than I could possibly imagine. 

The older I get, the prouder I am of that little 7 year old girl...because she took a stand, and she told. The school nurse came to our house, I described the car and all that I had witnessed. I was scared, but I did it. That was a long time ago, and laws against sexual predators were not what they are today, so more than likely, he received a slap on the wrist, but I hope that my actions saved someone from harm. 

Since the end of August, I have been dealing with something quite difficult. I am not able to go into specifics, but it has been ugly, upsetting, and scary. Two weeks ago, that little 7 year old child rose from her hibernation, and officially reported the situation. Yesterday, the formal report was made. All these years later, not unlike the 7 year old me, I was scared, but I knew it had to be done.  In the end, my hope is that no others will not have to go through what I've been through. I'm hoping that the worst is behind me and that I can begin to resume my life without this hanging over my head. I think it is. The down'll be hearing from me on a much more regular basis ;)

Without further delay....

The final winner of my little sewing caddy is....


Congratulations Joy :)
In case you don't know Joy, she blogs at Joyful Expressions and she is such a hoot! She does quite a few videos, and it's always fun to see what she is up to. So if you don't know Joy, be sure to go by and say Hi!

My husband did a wonderful thing for me for my birthday, albeit, the day after. He took me to Madison, WI, one of my favorite cities...anywhere!!! We ate great food, bought bread from  my favorite bakery, saw an incredible play, aaaaand, I got to visit Gayfeather Fabrics, see my friend Virginia, and purchase some true fabric treasures. I'll share much more about my trip next week, but a little sneak peek,

Flannel in my favorite color with airplanes!!! What a fun pair of pajama pants this is going to be. The fabric is in the washing machine now for pre-shrinking and as soon as it's dry, new pajama pants, WOOHOO! I'll share them next week. 

A few years ago, I saw 3 guys steal our neighbors boat. I was the only eye witness. When the day rolled around for the court hearing, I told my husband that I didn't want to go. He said he understood, and said that he was not going to make me go. Then he said, think about this, "how will you feel if you don't go?" I went, testified, and the criminals went to jail. 

Taking a stand is not always easy, but the reward of knowing that you did the right thing is always worth it.   


  1. I agree with your stand. I along with many parents tell their kids if you see something wrong tell an adult or policeman or someone you trust. In the beginning of my sons sophomore year of high school he came to me with a drug and alcohol issues a coach was promoting or at least ignoring. My son said , 'You said I was to report it and I am. Now what are you going to do about it?" It floored me because my words were staring me in the face. I did report it and we went to police and took a lot of sh*t from the whole school and community. I stood side by side with my child and would do it again. IAlong with all the horrible things that ensued after it taught him I was always there. I was proud of him and still am.
    Stand your ground. It's hard but is important.

  2. Sometimes it seems like we are surrounded by weirdness and the only way to get through each day is to just ignore it. I know I sometimes find it difficult to awaken from my stupor to differentiate true danger from all the strange things people do and say. But we have to stay awake, and we have to speak up when we see something.
    Thank you for doing that.

  3. It sounds like you have a wise and kind husband to help you make difficult decisions. Thank you for choosing to do the right things. Not everyone in our society makes those "right thing" choices.

  4. I had a very similar situation as you, Rhonda, when I was about 8. A young girl (third grader) had been murdered in our small town a few weeks before, which really rocked the community and put it on alert. I was walking home from school for lunch one day and I noticed a man in a car following me. When I got to a corner about four blocks from where I lived, I noticed he was going to circle around the block again and come down the alley. I knew who lived in the closest house, so I walked up to the door and knocked and told them what was going on. They knew my parents well and drove me home, and I gave the police a description of the car the man was driving. That young girl's life and death have haunted me to this day, and back then it was the first time I was conscious of how fragile (and dangerous) life can be, even what back then was supposed to be a safe environment. I am so grateful that women are speaking out in our culture now. Shining light on the darkness takes courage; I pray for those who need the courage to speak out...onward, Christian soldiers!

  5. Oh my! I'm praying for you and hope you are safe!

    1. Thank you. I think I am. I finally realized though that I may not be. The proper authorities now have a full report, and have assured me that they will not only investigate, but take steps to protect me.

    2. Come stay with me. I live in Chicago area and can pick you up. I have been through something like this before and it is scary. My husband and I will take you in.

  6. Rhonda, you are in my prayers. Stay safe and brave.

  7. Oh no! I'm glad you were able to work towards resolution. It can be so hard to stand up for yourself.

  8. Taking a stand isn't always easy but it is right. If more people were as brave and honest then I am sure that the world wouldn't be as bad a place as it is now. I am sending you very best wishes for you and your family. Stay safe. Xx

  9. Airplane flannel puts everyone in a good mood!
    Being ethical, empathetic and encouraging should be part of our lives. Thank you.

  10. My dear girl, out of all the people in the world who are hurt and hide and suffer for years, even though afraid, you "chose" to stand up and say "No" to the horrors this society creates. You are brave. Even though you may never know, many others, including children, have been saved by your actions. God bless and kiss your husband for me.

  11. I have had to defend children in my past, and actually lost a very, very good friend because of it. It is hard, but someone has to protect the children!
    And I cannot believe I won something YOU made. I will totally cherish it! You know my email.

  12. I am glad you took a stand, back when you were 7 and now. I am sure you are at peace with your decision. I can't believe how perfect that fabric is for you! It was meant to be. And happy belated birthday - many more!

  13. So sorry you are going through a difficult challenge ! You were a very strong 7 yr old & you are an even stronger grown up 😘

  14. So sorry you are going through a difficult challenge ! You were a very strong 7 yr old & you are an even stronger grown up 😘
