Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Wednesday Showcase

A very Happy Wednesday to everyone :) 

In just a bit, I will be off to see the retina specialist for my eye exam. Three years ago I learned that I have moles on my retina and that they had grown. Shocked, I asked what that meant, and the ophthalmologist said, "cancer." What I thought would be the normal eye exam turned into something that I had no idea could even  happen. As it turns out, you can get melanoma in your eyes. As crazy as it sounds, it does happen. When I was originally given the diagnosis, I wrote about it here on the blog, and I was amazed by how many lives this has touched/changed. 

Melanoma in the eyes is treatable, but there is a catch, the closer the mole is to the center of the retina, the more likely you are to lose your eyesight when treated. I have moles in both eyes and in both eyes, the moles are near the center. But, so far, so good :) No cancer, and no treatment. 

When I first learned of the possibility of potentially losing my eyesight, of course I was devastated. But then, I decided that it doesn't mean life is over, it just changes. 
I'll share a little something crazy that I did...
The mountain where my husband and I like to ski, has a wonderful program for handicapped skiers, physical limitations as well as a program for the blind. So, I thought that in the event that I lost my ability to see, I can learn to ski without my eyes. One day, we were coming down a run, and it was especially quiet, so I decided to close my eyes and just experience what it would be like. Different for sure, but I found out that with the help of a guide, I could do it. 

One day, my husband and I were on a lift with a guide and a young man who was blind. When he began to talk about the runs that he likes to do...OMG!!!. Those are runs that makes me panic just to look at them! It's amazing what one can do when we only decide to try.

So, it's Wednesday! Let's meet some fabulously talented ladies :)

First up is Jess of The Sterling Thimble. Rather than me introducing her, I will let her do the honors as she has done a wonderful video on who she is what she likes to do. 

In Jess's video, she says that she doesn't have a lot of time to sew, but when she does, she makes the cutest pieces, like the pajama pants below and the lace trimmed top.

Love the red! This was made for Valentine's Day. What a gorgeous piece for a celebration. You can read more about her journey HERE.

And last, but far from least, check out the incredible handwork for a jacket she is currently working on.

These are handmade buttonholes ladies!!! Incredible!

If you've taken a peek at her video, you know that Jess loves getting to know fellow sewists, so be sure to say hello!

Next up is Linda from Nice Dress, Thanks I Made It. Linda has been enjoying a ready to wear fast since 2015, and addicited to sewing since the 70s.  
The holiday season can get so very hectic, and we can easily lose ourselves in the process of trying to do everything. but Linda came up with an idea to help keep us focused and create something special. So, she created "Designin' December!"

Here's a little of what Designin' December is all about;

"We have all seen something we LOVE, either in the stores, online, or on the runways, but don't actually want to buy it for some reason. So I propose that we sew that garment that we see/want. If you are lucky and already have an exact pattern, either and indie pattern, your own self-drafted pattern, or a big 4 pattern that you can use, great! Whatever it takes, let's make what we see and want!"

The contest runs through December 31, 2017. There are LOTS of prizes to be won. You can read more about it HERE. Such a great incentive to get that special garment put together for the holidays, or just whenever. Linda even has a fun button that you can attach to your blog and let others know you are participating, or to encourage them to join in.

Between Jess's incredible handwork inspiration, and a challenge to get you sewing over the holidays, I think that's quite the inspiration for a Wednesday :)

Have a fabulous day!


  1. Dear Rhonda, love the post very insirational for end of year sewing. More importantly, I'm sending you best wishes for your eye exam. It's scary, I know. XXX

  2. Will be praying for a good eye exam result. Thanks for all your inspirational blogs!

  3. When my vision started fading as a child, I would wander the house with my eyes shut to practise for the inevitable (I was a dramatic child). I too have moles in my eye and a family history of blindness so I have the annual trepidation for eye tests. You're right that life changes but goes on. I really enjoy your blog and your attitude, so although I don't have anything useful, I just wanted to share and support.

  4. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Wishes of good health to you always! I found your skiing story to be quite inspirational. Not many would try to see how life is and skiing is for the blind, no matter what their future medical condition! Thank you for the mention! As you can tell, I love sewing and am very enthusiastic about anything sewing related, so if just a bit of that rubs off on someone else, I will be extremely happy!

  5. Best wishes for your eye appointment. Love your attitude, no life is not over its just a new normal.

  6. Keeping my fingers crossed on your "eye situation"...

  7. Oh Wow!!! I feel so honored to be featured on your blog. How sweet of you to share my video and pictures with your audience. I don't know if I should giggle like a school girl or cry because of your kindness, I'm so overwhelmed.

    Designing December sounds amazing. I'll not be participating but I plan to follow along. I love seeing others create awesome garments. What a great share.

    We will definitely add you to our prayer list in regards to your eyes. How devastated you must have been. Your strength and positivity in this situation is such an inspiration.

    Best wishes,

    1. ALWAYS my pleasure to feature other sewing bloggers! AS soon as I figure out a glitch on my blog, I will be adding your blog to the blog roll. Your work is amazing! Look forward to seeing your finished jacket. And thank you for the prayers, always appreciated :)

    2. Aw, you are so kind and thanks again. :D
