Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Thrifty Thursday/Pajama Pants for the Street

Just to set things straight from the beginning, I do NOT wear my pajama pants outside of the house. Okay, okay, truth be told, I have gone out to the garbage can in my pajama pants. And now that I'm thinking about it, I have thrown on a jacket and taken Gracie out for a quick trip in the back alley, but I promise you, that's it!!!

A couple of years ago, I shared this free pajama pant pattern from Martha Stewart. Since them I have made piles. I love the pattern and the pants are super comfortable to sleep in. I've made them in both cotton and flannel.

You never know where you'll find inspiration. A few days ago, I was out for a morning walk and I encountered 2 ladies who were walking with strollers. Since they were taking up the width of the sidewalk, I had to slow down. As I slowed my pace, I noticed the pants that one of the ladies was wearing. They were so, so cute. By now, they had made room for me, and as I passed I said, "I love your pants," and got a closer look. 

As I went on my way, I realized that what had been done was really quite simple. It was just a straight pant leg that had been gathered on the side. Hey, I can do that!

That evening as I pulled on my pajama pants, the thought occurred to me that I could just gather the side of the pant and have the exact same look. Her pants were just an elastic waist pant, so I thought the pajama pant pattern might work well.

I was actually rather pleased with the outcome.

Please excuse the crummy selfy. I rather like the side drape.

To make the casing, prior to sewing the side seams together, I serged the seams, sewed them together, and then pressed the seam open.  The hem was sewn in prior to sewing the side seam. So, I sewed the crotch seam together and then did a stitched hem before sewing the side seam.

I had some rattail cording that would work, and since this was just going to be a wearable muslin, I didn't cover the cord. Below you can see that I stitched in a casing. I left the top end of the casing open until I had threaded the cord through. Once the cord was through the casing, I them stitched it across the top, catching the cord in the stitching.

Once the cord was secured, I then pulled it up and tied it. The nice thing is that if I would like, I can untie the cord and wear the pants as plain straight leg pants.

One final little note. I save all of my left over ribbons and sew just a bit at the center back of my pants, or pajama pants, whatever the case may be :) Makes it easy to always know where the back is. 

If you decide to give the shirred leg a try, be sure to use a fabric with drape...rayon, poly, silk. 

Go take a walk. Inspiration just might be on the sidewalk!


  1. The gathered leg is such a nice top. I need a great PJ pant pattern.

    1. And even better when it can be used as a regular pant pattern too!

  2. Love that idea about using leftover ribbon as a back tab.

  3. What a lovely story about your inspiration. Gorgeous trousers and that is such a nice detail. They look fab. Xx

    1. Thanks 😊 Wore them all day yesterday and loved how they just seemed to float around the leg.

  4. What a wonderful idea! And I love your idea of putting in the bit of ribbon at the back waist. That would work so much better than my little "X" that I make with thread - particularly on my knit pencil skirts.

    1. And depending upon the ribbon, it can be sweet to look at as well 😊 I used the heart ribbon on some little dresses I did to send to Texas. So it not only looks sweet, but reminds me of the project.

  5. The gathered side on your pants is very cute! Maybe it's because I just came home from the beach, but this detail would look lovely on linen pants.

    1. You're right, a soft linen for summer would be perfect!

  6. Love the colour and drape of the leg

  7. What a great hack! And thanks for the tip about the ribbon in the back -- I have a pair of me-made pyjama pants and I always have to have a very close look to figure out which is the front and which is the back.
    Lori from

    1. Such a simple little thing!!!, but it makes life just a little simpler 😊
