Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, March 13, 2017

Help Me Make A Final Decision

Well, Chicago is expecting 5 to 10 inches of snow today!!! Just goes to show, Mother Nature has a sense of humor :). A weird sense of humor, and maybe more of a "gotcha!" For any of you reading this, by all means, don't take any unnecessary risks. If at all possible, stay in, make a lovely cup of tea, and just try to enjoy the beauty. BTW, one of my favorite teas is Adagio Teas Chai Town. It's a lovely blend of flavors that warms the soul.  

I would like to thank all of you who took the time to share your ideas on the new logo for the new video series, Sew Bussted's Material Witness. I really appreciated your insight and thoughts.

The logo that came in second is below,

While I like the design, the plane was just a little too prominent...for me. 

Most of you chose this design, but wanted to see a few tweaks.

The tweaks have been made. The two designs below are my final choices. While I love the first, I think I am leaning toward the second. I like the stitched line that references sewing, but ties in the plane. I also like the plane being below the main logo. I would like for Material Witness to be a darker red as it is in the first, and I would like the shading in the needle to be a little darker. 



So, once again, I would love your help. Vote for one of the two designs. And if you have any final suggestions, let me know. 

Thanks so much!


  1. Replies
    1. Plus, I think the plane of your first request for help, which came in second, is more like the littler plane you actually fly, versus the commercial-size-looking jet. :~)

  2. #2 little darker on the red lettering maybe more a burgundy

  3. So excited to watch you step forward! You are so talented!!!..and I agree with your choice. I feel tying the words to the plane, and lowering the plane the words were perfect improvements to your logo. Just make sure your choice for the 'Material Witness' font is ideal (in your opinion) and harmonizes yet doesn't pull the eye to read it before you read 'Sew Busted.'

    I'll take a look at it again in an hour to see how my eye sweeps the design. To me, it is perfect...but then I would exhaust myself double checking !he

    I read your blog every day. Keep stitching!...

  4. I like # 2 with your suggested changes. How fun to tie all the parts of your life together.

  5. I prefer #2 because (a) it reads like you would say it with the "Material Witness" following the first half of the logo, and (b) the dotted part of the line implies both movement and that the flight is only part of the end product. Great design!

  6. Love the second one too! The dotted sewing line is the perfect addition!

  7. Love # 2 it, the little plane looks like its coming in for a landing to deliver the latest addition of Material Witness.

  8. I also like #2. The parts do tie together nicely. Lyn

  9. Yes on #2--you're almost there! maybe play with with color a bit, and the font on "material witness"

  10. I prefer #2, with your suggested changes!

  11. I would go for #2.
    I think the two sections of #1 look too different. I like the more spaced out lettering on number 2 and that it is a bit thinner makes it look more modern.
    My only other comment would be that the s's in Bussted look weird to me. It might just be me but they look like how a friend used to write his f's. I always find s's hard to sort out in handwriting style fonts.
    But I will say I didn't really notice this at first just when I spent some time looking at the logos to actually study their make up etc.

  12. I like No.2 as well, just with the darker/bolder red text. It really is a fabulous logo. Xx

  13. #2 flows much better, connecting the plane to the stitching very well. Did you ever play with a plane towing a banner that says "Material Witness?" I'm new here, but looking forward to posts, etc.

  14. I like 2, that was my first choice when i looked at the final two.

  15. ooh, 2! love the trail. But darker lettering perhaps?

  16. #2. I liked the previous one but my eye relaxed when I saw #2 and I knew it was just right.

  17. #2. The design is tight, compact, dynamic. Love it.

  18. Number two! I love the movement it creates and the subltle nob to your other hobby!

  19. Number 2 is the winner for me! As you've mentioned, a darker red would be good.

  20. #2 would be my choice of the two presented. I do not care for the airplane in number one being part of the aviation industry for 30 years it seems off.

  21. #2 but I would like to see "Material Witness" a little less brown - more towards a burgundy.

  22. My votes on 2 with the changes you suggested. Recommend Twinings teas, especially Fennel and nettle and sleep easy. Also if you need to increase your water intake but don't want to add calories to get flavours. Put tea bag in bottle of water and leave it there as you drink. Don't boil water and let it go cold doesn't work as well. Btw, so glad the card made you smile, your reply did the same for me.

  23. 2 is my pref. I find #1 a little jarring! Loved your last 'material witness' BTW.

  24. Number 2. Love the front of the plane and how the logo streams into the tail of the plane.

  25. I like them both but not to the same degree. I prefer #2 with a darker, brighter red.
