Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Friday, February 24, 2017

Sewbussted's Material Witness Episode 3/Pant Fitting and Custom Sewing

We're far more connected than most of us will ever know.  

Just a little over a month ago, I introduced you to Tomasa of Sew Much Fashion and her incredibly well fitted pair of pants. As it turns out, she had taken a class with Karen Bengtson, today's guest on Sewbussted's Material Witness. 

After I did the post on Tomasa, a number of you contacted Karen and begged for a class, of which I had no idea. Amazing!!! Karen then contacted Joyce Simons Murphy, the master mind and creator of the most ingenious pant fitting system I have ever experienced. This prompted Joyce to contact me. I then contacted Karen and asked if she would like to be featured on my new video series. She replied with an ecstatic, "YES!!!" 

In the video, you'll see that my eyes are extremely swollen, a residual effect of the sinus infection that landed me in emergency care. Each day is better :) Please forgive my appearance.

I've purposely designed the videos so that you can watch if you like, or just put it on, listen and enjoy!

If you've always dreamed of a pair of great fitting pants, Karen will be hosting a workshop some time in June. You may contact her at

I am currently taking Joyce Simons Murphy's Building The Custom Pants Block class. Karen did the fitting on my pants block and in 1 fitting, I had a perfect fitting pair of pants. I have never been so amazed. 

I hope you enjoyed the video and that you are leaving inspired.


  1. Enjoyed your video. Karen has made 2 pant patterns for me. Great person.
    Marcia E.

  2. I love Karen, and I love her creations! Thanks for sharing her interview.

  3. Hi, I just tried to write Karen using the email address above, and it was returned as undeliverable. Can you double check that address?

    1. I will do that right now. Thanks for letting me know.

    2. Hi Linda, I just left a message for Karen. As soon as I hear back from her, I will let you know. Thanks again 😊

    3. Karen's correct email address is

  4. Rhonda - Silly you - I think you looked gorgeous, and such pretty waves in your hair! Very informative interview and fun to listen to - remembering my custom sewing days.

    1. Thank you Londa 😊 The waves are natural. It was one of those days when I just didn't feel like dealing with my hair. I call it a "let it go wild day."

  5. Finally had a chance to watch; thoroughly enjoyed! I can certainly tell you both love what you do and so refreshing to see such joy!

    1. Thanks Linda 😊 I need to work on my bad habit of saying the word, so, and saying, umm 😬 Joy is exactly what I want to portray with the videos, joy, and the fact that sewing is very much alive and well. I will be posting another video next Friday, and I will be able to prove that sewing is very much alive and well, so stay tuned!!!

  6. Thanks for interviewing my friend, Karen! Very nice!

  7. Hope you are feeling better now! Thank you for the interview. :)

  8. Thanks so much for the shout out!! I am sooo happy to know that my post about my pants has played a part in bringing attention to both Karen and Joyce who are very talented indeed. I enjoyed watching the video and seeing Karen again. Thanks for being so supportive of all of your fellow sewists and sewing bloggers.
