Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Sleeves On Saturdays/A Complete Directory

The Sleeves On Saturdays directory tab is complete!!! I finally sat down and finished the page. I'm so happy :) Now you can easily click on the Sleeves On Saturdays tab at the top of the blog, scroll through and find a sleeve along with the link to the blog post. If you would like, just click HERE as well :) 

In the directory, you'll find links to 36 sleeves drafting tutorials. 

Lots of fun styles to try :)

I would like to thank Bev of sdBev for giving me the nudge I needed to finally get the page finished. I would also like to thank Joy of Joyful Expressions who also nudged me by wishing she could help. So nice :) 

So....if you find a little time to spare, click on the link and look to your hearts content!


  1. That is a fantastic resource Rhonda! Very kind and generous of you to put this all together.

  2. Thank you thank you!! You are a treasure! ~Valerie

  3. What a wonderful resource, Rhonda!!! A real gift to the sewing community!

  4. THANK YOU!!! I love you EVEN MORE! You are amazing. Never stop teaching us.
    Hugs, Joy

  5. 36! I had no idea you had done that many! A big thanks for all of the tutorials and even more thanks for organizing and reposting into such a fantastic resource. You are very generous. :)
