Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Friday, November 4, 2016

Infected Owls

It's been a rough morning, but all is coming together :) 

I received a message from a follower who told me that she had just finished up a pair of Ginger Jeans and loved them. She went on to tell me that the link to the pattern for the owls that I posted a while back no longer had a webpage attached. I decided to check it out, and lucky me(NOT!!!), the webpage that I did find, froze my computer screen and went on to tell me that my computer was now infected and all of my information had been compromised. Luckily, my niece's husband is one of those computer genius guys, so I immediately called him for help. He couldn't get to me for about 45 minutes, so in the meantime, I shut down my computer, put a freeze on my credit cards, and changed all my passwords. When he called and said that he could see me, the phone rang again, and it was my neighbor telling me that she had been in a horrible accident. Thankfully, she is fine, just very shuck up. My husband was able to go to her rescue. And, in just a few minutes, my niece's husband was able to fix what I had thought was going to be a huge issue. In the meantime, I have removed the links to the little owls, so hopefully no one will have the same issue I had.

For anyone who would like to make these cute little owls, I am going to post a new pattern for them, one that will be virus free. I will also have a pattern for a larger version that children would enjoy. And even better, I'll show you how you can take the pattern and turn it into another little animal that you might enjoy. So, all is not lost. Just missing for a short time. 

My husband was talking to his brother yesterday and he made a comment about the "good ole' days." In the background I said, "yes, using an outhouse is something to be missed!" ;) It's easy to remember simpler times in a very nostalgic, all was perfect kind of a way. But, the truth of the matter is that we really love the modern conveniences that we now have. There are so many of you with whom I've connected and who have enriched my life in ways that I can't even begin to describe. No, I don't like having to deal with someone who has decided that a life of cyber crime is the way to go, but I do love being able to connect with so many wonderful people all over the world. So, I guess it's the price we pay. 

As I leave, I would like to give you this. It's something that I say at least once a day, or whenever I feel threatened or that I need a little extra protection;

No weapon formed against me will prosper. 

It works :)


  1. Replies
    1. Yep, I did :)Thanks for the help.

    2. hehe Way Cool ! and Thannk Youuu.. Kindness never goes Forgotten ;)

  2. When the past looks rosey I think about the DENTIST then!! No want here and now :-))

    1. I always think about the play Our Town, where the past seemed so much better and then she realizes that to bring that day back would mean having to relive so many painful experiences. Be grateful for all that is good in our lives. The bad is just an inevitable part of it all :)

  3. The day can only get better Rhonda. Thank you for being our cyber protector - I would have definitely gone searching for those owls coz they are so cute!
    Did you mean prosper?

    1. I did mean prosper. Shouldn't be trying to do 2 things at 1 time ;) Wait until you see the other little animal that can be made. Super cute!!!

  4. Goodness! Hopefully all better now.

  5. Rhonda, when I first saw your title, I thought, well, she's taken in some baby owls to nurse to health..............LOL..........see, I think like that knowing your love of animals......and because I have a friend who does things just like that....takes in opossums, baby raccoons, and just about any critter she finds sick or abandoned.

    So happy to hear you got all your cards and passwords secured and that your friend was able to solve your issue.

  6. Replies
    1. Wait until you see the other cute little creature you can make with the pattern :)

  7. This is a good reminder to go check the links list on my blog to make sure I'm not aiming at something nasty. Because this has happened to me (why do you free pattern pages get hijacked? Who broke the Issey Miyake patterns page? Why the unlove?)

    Kids! Play safe!

    1. Here's what I wonder...Those who choose to use their talents to do such evil things are really quite brilliant. I think about how if they were to put that ability toward something positive, they could be so very wealthy and actually do something positive for this world. Just such a pity. So yes, all we can do is be as careful as we can.

  8. What a day. Glad your neighbor was ok and glad your computer is ok too. Thanks for looking out for your blog readers.

    1. It really was. Hioefully I was able to save others from potentially horrible issues.

  9. I'm glad the rest of your day is looking better!

    It's because of the impermanence of internet sites is why I save tutorials I like as I find them. I've been bit by too many that I've had bookmarked only to find them gone later. And that's not even ones that are taken over by....jerks.

    I have a minor(?) request...the next time you feel like making changes to your blog, could you add a name/url option to the "comment as" field? When I try to use the WordPress option at work, I get OpenID errors. I will not mix my personal and work Google IDs on the work PC and sadly by the time I get home, I've totally forgotten what I wanted to say. Except I DO remember that last slow cooker soup looks Luscious!!!

    1. Thanks for the suggestion. I am going to be working with someone soon to revamp the blog, so I will mention this and see if it can be done.

  10. Forgot to add about the "good old days" - so easy to remember them as good, especially when they were good for yourself. My DH gets a magazine that looks back at how things were, sort of, all is put in such a rosy mention of no plumbing except maybe for cold water to the house, no phones or electricity, except maybe in town until the 1940s, no penicillin or antibiotics, no immunizations and let's hope you don't need surgery, few career opportunities for anyone who wasn't white male...

    It's fine to have fond memories of the good, but to totally ignore the bad...there be danger in that. Sorry, didn't mean to get so grumpy on this....

    1. Oh, I didn't take it as grumpy 😊 You are exactly right, it's nice to be a little nostalgic, but we also need to remember that our memories tend to forget the not so pleasant, and even more so, the very unpleasant portion of the past.

  11. I love those Owls my favorite Aunt loved them and every time I see one I think of her. Good memories from the good old days. I'm so glad your computer problem could be fixed so quickly. Thanks a bunch.

  12. Yes, that is a scripture. We say it all the time. Isaiah 54:17 Thanks for the owl tut that is coming. I'll be watching. They are so cute.
    Hugs, Joy

  13. I have just "discovered" your Blog/Site and loving scrolling through previous posts. I was wondering if you have had the opportunity to post the "healthy" version of the Owl so I could make a couple for Christmas gifts. Trying to start before the week before.

    1. I have not, but plan to do so next week. I'll be sure to come back and leave a message so that you know the post is up. If you would like it sooner, please feel free to email me at
