Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sometimes Doing The Right Thing Doesn't Feel Good

My days are usually very regimented. I get up at the same time, make a cup of tea, check my email and then write for about a half hour before having the exact same breakfast I have most everyday. For the most part, I can be quite boring and very predictable.

My day also begins with a list of all that I want to accomplish throughout the day. It helps keep me on track and it also gives me a sense of accomplishment, at least on the rare days that I actually accomplish everything on the list. 

Today was like all others. I made my list and then set out to tick off the items. One of the items was to run over to the home improvement store and purchase plants for my window boxes. I recently had new boxes made and I was anxious to get them filled. What I thought would take about a half hour ended up taking over an hour, so by the time I got home, it was time for lunch. I had hoped to have the boxes planted by lunch time. Then after lunch do a blog post and start working on another project. Rather than put the plants off to the next day, I thought I would go ahead and get the boxes planted. 

I had just finished one box when I noticed a car drive up in the alley. I didn't pay much attention as I thought it was probably one of my neighbors. Then I suddenly heard a cat crying at the top of its lungs. My first thought was that my neighbor's cat had somehow escaped and now that it was on it's own it didn't know what to do. I went out to see what I could do and found a man throwing another cat out of his car. He was dumping the cats! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I screamed, "What are you doing?" His reply was that his boss had told him to do this. Unbelievable!!!

The first cat that had been thrown out of the car was no more than 6 months old. So very afraid. I was able to get in front of the cat and then knelt down, put out my hand and she came to me. The guy said, "you can have her if you want her." With that he jumped back in his car and started backing down the alley. With the cat in my arms, I leaned into the car as he passed me and I said, "this is the most inhumane thing you could do." He kept saying that his boss told him to do this. I then said that what he had done was no different than if someone had purposely left him in the middle of Iraq with no food and no protection. 

The other cat was older, but still young. He had found safety sitting behind a garbage can. A neighbor came out to see what was going on as she had also heard the cat crying. My mind was racing, trying to think of  what options may be available. I told my neighbor that I had to do something, I couldn't allow them to just be left in the alley. She offered to go and get her cat crate. We put the kitten in her crate and I ran in to get Little Bit's carrying case for the bigger cat. 

With the cats safely in crates, I called a no kill shelter thinking that they would take them. Sadly, no. They said that the cats would need to go to Animal Control, what was once called the pound. But they did offer some hope. I was told to get the entry number that animal control would give them, call them back with the numbers and they may be able to rescue the cats in a few days.

So off I went. When we arrived at Animal Control, the woman who checked us in was so very nice. She saw how upset I was and told me a number of times that I had done the right thing. When I took the cats out of the carriers, they both clung to me which of course broke my heart when I had to put them in the cages. 

Yes, I did the right thing, but why is it that the right thing doesn't feel good? As I drove home, I thought of how many other animals are abused and thrown away. I've flown many animals who came with such stories. The difference was that I didn't witness it for myself. 

For me, one of the greatest human tragedies is that we have the ability to not feel the pain of another creature, be it an animal or a human being. 

These two little souls were with me for only a short time, but they will continue to live in my heart. My prayer is that someone will find it in their heart to love them. 


  1. I can feel your rage - and agree with you completely! The man could have taken them to a shelter, to dump them like that is beyond cruel. Truly, I do not understand how so many humans can be so viciously mean to animals or other humans.

    1. I was shocked initially, but then anger and sadness set in. My husband was not home at the time, but I called and told him what happened and asked if he would come home and go with me to animal control. He too tried to console me by saying that what we were doing was the right thing. It wasn't until later in the evening that he talked to me about confronting the man. I have a bad habit of reacting with no thought for my own safety. At least I am still here to tell the story :)

  2. How very sad Rhonda, but you have at least given these cats a chance of getting a good home. People can be unimaginably cruel.

    1. Thanks Kim. I hope they will find a loving home.

  3. Oh Rhonda, how terrible. Those poor wee cats. They must have been terrified. It breaks my heart to hear about things like this. I am almost in tears. I don't understand how anyone can just dump animals when there are no kill shelters around.Thank you so much for taking care of them. You have such a kind soul. If I was closer I would have taken them both. Xx

    1. Thanks :) As I drove away yesterday, it broke my heart to think that if a home is not found, 2 beautiful cats may lose their lives due to someone being so cruel. But, taking them to Animal Control was far better than them being left for coyotes or who knows what to cause a very tragic death. Like I said, although I knew and know that it was the right thing to do, it still doesn't feel good.

  4. Sorry about my english, but I'm so touched by your post that I need to comment. I'm so happy there are people like you in this world! Thank you Rhonda, I'm praying too for those sweet little kitties and for all the animals being abused at any time.

    1. Thank you Helena. My heart is still so heavy this morning. But at least they are being given food and water and have the safety of the cages.

  5. Thank you Rhonda. Over the years I have rescued and kept animals that have had unspeakable things done to them. It is far too an emotional subject for me to say more but know you have my deepest gratitude. It would have felt worse to have left them to fend for themselves.

    1. Thank you Theresa. In the moment, I felt so helpless. One of my dogs is very aggressive towards small animals, so bringing them in wasn't an option. Once I began to calm down, I began to think of possibilities. Animal Control was the last place that I wanted to take them, but the experience could not have been more loving. The woman who checked them in comforted me as well as the cats. The facility was so clean. As I walked away, she once again tried to comfort me by saying that I had done the right thing. She also said that although I'm just one person, one person can change the world. Of course I know all of this, but i' still sad, I'm still angry. My husband offered something, he felt that it wasn't an accident that my day got off schedule, or that they were dumped in the middle of the day, right in front of me. It does make me feel a bit better to think that I may have been chosen.

  6. Bless you Rhonda for you kindness to try to help the kitties...

  7. How horrible! Following a boss's instructions is no excuse for doing what he did. You did the right thing. Since you were able to pick up the cats, they're likely not feral and therefore have a better chance at being adopted. After reading your post I went and hugged my kitty. We found him 12 years ago in the Costco parking lot and based on the location, his age and his behavior, we suspect he was dumped. He still has abandonment issues. We love him dearly! Thank you for helping those kitties!

    1. I came home and took my pups for a walk, both rescue dogs. As we walked, I thought about how happy their lives have been, they've barked at wild buffalos in South Dakota (from the safety of the car), ran on beaches in Texas, hiked the Hot Spring National Foreat in Arkansas, and enjoyed the trails of the Rocky Mountain National Forest. Life as it should be :)

  8. Hugs Rhonda. How awful! If the man or the boss had only tried (craigslist, newspaper, etc), they could have found new homes for the cats. Bless you for being so kind.

  9. Oh Rhonda, this story made me tear up. You really did do the right thing, but I know from experience how bad it feels to take an animal to Animal Control and drive away wondering and doubting your decision. You are a very kind and loving soul, I hope you know that. Hugs to you. <3

    1. Thank you :) Give your pup a big kiss from me.

  10. I have the greatest cat ever - adopted from our Animal Control (the pound) six months ago. I have since followed them on Facebook and I'm amazed how many cats and dogs are happily placed in loving homes. You did the right and compassionate thing.

    1. Thank you for telling me about how you adopted your cat. That makes me feel so much better. The intake person at Animal Control commented that the two I brought in were obviously indoor cats. As I've thought more about how they reacted about being outside, I doubt that they had ever been outside. So I think their chances of finding a home are good. I just wish I could have done more.

  11. Rhonda, I believe there is a special place in Hades for people who mistreat animals. I have adopted several dogs that were abandoned and abused. I hope and pray they do not remember their previous situation, but some still have issues. Bless you for doing the right thing.

  12. Hearing about animal abuse is so gut wrenching and there is no need for it. These poor little creatures so trusting were not put here for this. The people who do this have big issues, wonder how they would like to be treated like this. When we lived in Japan when I was a child I remember when we saw some one dump a box on the road side. My dad went to see want was it the box and it was some puppies that had been covered in a tar like substance and left to die. My parents rescued them and we ended up taking one of the puppies and named him boots, and the others got new homes too...happy ending to a horrible thing. You did the right thing, can you imagine if you had not been doing your plants, you would have not heard this, and what if that guy had other intentions for those cats beside dumping them. You are a hero to those babies!

  13. I'm not a 'cat person' but this broke my heart. How can people be so cruel to defenseless animals is beyond me. I have to think this happened to you because you you were someone who would react ompassionately & so they will be adopted into a loving home.

  14. I have always had rescued cats. The one I have now came to me via Kijiji. A woman had 5 cats to get rid of. She described all of them but no pictures. When I called there was only one left but it turned out to be the one I most wanted! She had already moved but had left behind this one cat and some furniture. Poor thing - abandoned, chased around the house, put in a cage and taken to a strange place.
    She has now lived with me longer than elsewhere.

  15. I cannot comprehend how someone can do this to a defenseless animal. To quote Ghandi: The greatness of a nation and it's moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

  16. You definitely did the right thing. I will never understand how anyone could treat any animal like that. We have three cats for the very same reason. Someone dumped them and we took them in. They are so loving and beautiful and a lot of company. It breaks my heart to think of those two you helped rescue might not have a loving home. My prayers are with them for sure.

  17. That is just outrageous. SO glad you were home and able to save those poor kittens.

  18. This kind of story just breaks my heart. We have a number of feral cats here in our neighborhood, and some of the neighbors can afford to take them to be fixed. If it were up to me, I would keep them all, but who can do that? You have a good heart, Rhonda, which unfortunately causes some of us great pain.

  19. I am almost betting with myself that you go back. It is an awful dilemma, this is how one of my daughters has seven cats and the other four!!! I have a rescued dog, rabbit, cat, and by choice chickens and guinea pigs [the last ones for grandchildren to cuddle and learn]. I love your blog by the way. A big pond might separate us but we are usually of one mind on most things. Best wishes.

    1. Thanks Maureen :) I wanted so badly to keep them, but my dog Gracie cannot be around cats, so I couldn't even bring them in the house.

  20. I totally feel your rage and your anguish. My cat Missy was rescued from the streets, abandoned with little more than two months old. I couldn't leave her behind.
