Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Coming Up On The Blog/Piped Pockets and Buttonholes/A Contest

Do you ever have the best intentions, and then get side tracked? I did last night. I had every intention of popping into my studio and working on the tutorial for you, but ended up watching a series that I love on our public broadcasting station. The program is called "Finding Your Roots." It traces the family history of well know people. I find it fascinating...obviously :-). 
So coming up a little later is a tutorial that I thought at least a few of you might be interested in, bound buttonholes and welt pockets made with piping. Easy to do, and they can be customized, so a fun trick to have in your sewing arsenal. I'll be using the polka dot fabric and the striped piping that you see below.
I always enjoy seeing your purchases, so I thought you might enjoy a recent purchase that I made. Tessuti Fabrics in Australia is such a lovely shopping experience. Thank God I don't live there as I would have no money, great clothes, but no money!
Tessuti recently sent out an announcement that they would be sponsoring a new contest. You can read all about it HERE.Two fabrics have been chosen for the competition, sadly the one I chose is sold out. Too bad, it's really pretty.
The other fabric is also lovely, I just like pink and purple better. You can see the other piece in the picture below. If you like the fabric, and think you might like to dip your toe into the competition, you can find the fabric HERE. Both are silk, so a bit of a challenge, but so pretty and I think worth the effort. 
As I said, the experience of shopping with Tessuit is always so lovely. The fabric arrives beautifully packaged and tied in a piece of Tessuti ribbon. I was so excited when my package arrived and I tore into the package before getting a picture. They also take great care to protect the fabric during transit by wrapping it in an extra piece of plastic wrapping.  
So here's what I purchased. The piece below was a remnant that had been greatly reduced. Just couldn't help myself :-) 
This piece is absolutely lovely. I had planned a skirt, but now that I have it, it may become something else. We'll see. Sadly, I looked all over the website and couldn't find it, so it most likely is sold out.
 My photograph does not do this fabric justice. It's actually a panel. The fabric is still available and you can find it HERE. Be sure to click on the dress that they made with the fabric. Super cute!  
We'll see what I do with the silk. The contest ends on April 30th, so a little time. It's a piece that I think I can use for the competition and another project that I'm working on, so double duty, always good.
I'll be back a little later this afternoon with the piped pocket tutorial.
Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Rhonda,
    Thank you so much for this posting and the other one you did on the triangular buttonholes.
    Beautifully explained and demonstrated. Really appreciate the time you have taken to show us all. I have Roberta Carr's book which shows the triangular buttonhole, but your video makes wonderful sense to me, as a visual learner.
    Cannot wait to try this lovely shape on a project. I think a coat with just one statement button would look fabulous.

    Thank you and have a great weekend.
