Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Winner of The Waffle Patterns Pepernoot Coat

Wow, what a response we had to the Pepernoot Coat  pattern give away!!! It's a great pattern, and lots of fun to make. And like I said previously, although it's a downloadable pattern, there's a copy shop version, so no need to tape sheets together. Personally, I find taping the sheets together rather therapeutic(I guess I'm a little strange!), and something to keep me busy and feeling a little less guilty when I spend the evening watching television. 
I also love the fact that Yuki's patterns are layered, so you can choose just the size you want rather than printing out each and every size. Prior to the sew along, I'll do a special post on how the layered sizing works.  

So what you've all been waiting for...
The winner of the Pepernoot Coat pattern is;

Congratulations Angela Fernihough!!!!!

Please email me at with your email address so I can pass it along to Yuki. She will be sending the files for your new pattern.

Sadly, there was only 1 pattern, but this year is off to a fabulous start and I have another exciting give away that I will be announcing a little later today, so be sure to pop back by and check it out :) 


  1. Congratulations Angela, and happy coat sewing! Thank you, Rhonda, for hosting the give away!

  2. Replies
    1. I always enjoy a gracious person :) thank you Louise.

  3. Wow, I can't believe it! Ha ha .. Thank you so much! What a lovely surprise. I'll send you an email now and ... Oooh ... Might do a bit of online fabric shopping in preparation . You've made my day :)
