Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sunday Night Reflections

While stuck in traffic yesterday, I looked up and saw the banner in the picture below. It meant something to me, and I thought it might mean something to you as well. 
What you do does matter.


  1. That makes me want to say, "Thank you!"
    I saw an electronic sign on the Interstate today that said, "You look good in that seat belt!" It made me smile, and I found myself saying out loud, "Why, thank you." That in turn made me laugh out loud. Aren't the smallest things just wonderful? Thanks for posting this.

    1. That's how I felt, gratitude. I'm not sure what they were trying to promote, and I don't care, as what it did for me was promote worth in all that I do. Just what I needed at that moment. I'm so happy that it spoke to you too :)
