Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, April 6, 2015

Monday Morning Inspiration

Happy new start to the week!!! I'm a little late this morning, but hopefully better late than never :) While I was out walking the dogs this morning, the cardinals were singing so beautifully. For me there's nothing better than seeing a cardinal fly right in front of me and then land and sit for a bit. I am always so taken by their beauty. My week is officially off to a great start!
I came across this picture of a Victoria Beckum sweater in the April issue of Vogue magazine. I love anything with a lacing detail and I thought this sweater was especially pretty. Has a rather pretty price too, just a mere $1390.00!!! But with just a little tweaking, it's something we could do in a remake, so it's not totally out of the question. I really like the skirt too.  
So with that little bit of lacing inspiration, I decided to take a look and see what I could find. There wasn't a lot, but I thought I would go ahead and share what I found. I think I may have to recreate the top below as I thought this was so beautiful.  
A vintage riding skirt. A great way to cinch in a waistline. I rather like the seaming detail on the skirt as well.
We've seen this before, but it is a fun way to add a little volume to the back of a garment and then tame the fullness.
If you aren't particularly interested in using the pockets, this makes for an interesting detail and would work well with the center back lacing of the above sweatshirt.
 The lacing detail gives a white shirt a little more shape and interest.
The pants are a little over the top, but I must confess that I really do like them. There would be no kneeling in these pants!!! I think that what I might do is run the lacing to the hem, but tie them so that the tie ends are tied at the thigh rather than the ankle.
 A little lacing detail on the cuff of a jacket.
 And finally, add a little rugged detail to a top with the laced leather yoke.
As I said, not a lot of inspiration today, but think about it this way, if you have a seam, you can lace it together. Might be fun!!!
Hope your week is off to a great start. May a cardinal fly across your path :)


  1. I think that last one is my favorite :)

  2. I love the last picture with the leather yoke. As I inspect it closer/longer, is it an upcycled shoe? (!) Maybe some sort of saddle Oxford style?

    1. I didn't want to say anything, but that's exactly what it looks like to me. Now that's true repurposing!!!

  3. Oo I love lacing! It can be so many different things. Sexy, elegant, name it. Those steam punk pants are just awesome! Thanks for the inspiration, very interesting!

    1. Like I said, I really like the pants. Just such fun!!! Glad you enjoyed the post :)

  4. I love this last one, too! I agree with Alexandra that it is a shoe or a boot. Very cool.

  5. All really lovely - and that shirt would be really easy to copy. Thanks Rhonda

  6. I love the Beckum sweater, and would love to do another Knit-Along with you. If you are game to figure out the pattern, I'm game to knit it with you. Loved doing the purse a couple years ago. Let's do it again. As for the lacing up the rear? My rear needs nothing to bring attention to it!!! But do love the lacing on the cuffs. Love the inspirations. I'm headed to Susan Khalje's Couture Class in Baltimore today, so will share the post with the other students. Have a wonderful week.

    1. I had not thought about actually knitting the sweater. Hmmm, it's a very basic piece, so let me think about it. Such a long version might be difficult for many to wear, lots of thoughts going through my head :) But I will think about it.
      Have fun with Susan, but I know you will :)
