Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Eating For Your Future/Cauliflower Rice Vegetable Stir Fry

I recently came across this video for a Cauliflower "Rice" Vegetable Stir Fry. As I watched, I was a little skeptical, as I thought that the cauliflower might break down and become mushy. Well, miracle of miracles, it doesn't. I now have a wonderful alternative to rice and grains as a side dish. The riced Cauliflower is delicious! When I made up the dish, I didn't tell my husband that it was cauliflower as I wanted to see how he would react. His first comment was, "oh wow, couscous!!!" I replied no and told him to take another taste. The second time around he thought it might be quinoa. I then told him that it was cauliflower and he was happily amazed.
If you can't eat grains, or you are trying to incorporate more vegetables into your diet, this is a great recipe.  The recipe makes up 2 servings, so it's just enough for a dinner and a lunch for 1, or a dinner for 2. There are less than 300 calories, so your waistline will love the dish too!!! If you would like to add a little more protein, you could always add tofu, or leftover chicken if you have some on hand.
You can find a printable version of the recipe HERE.


  1. Thanks Rhonda for sharing thiis recipe. We are trying to cut down on our grain/carb intake and were just talking yesterday with friends about cauliflower rice. Will definitely give this a go. Xx

  2. I was pleasantly surprised with how satisfying the cauliflower is as a grain alternative. I think you'll like it :)

  3. Have a head of cauliflower in the fridge now. Think I'll give this a whirl tomorrow after I pick up some broc and red pepper. Looks so pretty! and sounds tasty.

    1. Let me know what you think! You may want to put smaller batches of the cauliflower in the food processor as a full head in at once was a little too much.

    2. finally made this today for dinner. good stuff! and DH approved. I did add some chicken; he needs the extra protein. thank you for sharing. I will make again.

  4. I've tried cauliflower rice before, and it is great! I'm saving this recipe for trying out soon!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing! I am ditching the grains, and this is a great option!

  6. Thank you, Rhonda, for sharing another great recipe! I love all these cauliflower "repurposing" recipes they have out now! So healthy! I make cauliflower mashed potatoes!

  7. Cauliflower is the best! I make cauliflower rice a lot with sauteed veggies! Thanks for sharing!


  8. I will try this but won't be telling The Management until it is eaten! (He isn't big on healthy food 😞)
