Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday Morning Inspiration

It's very easy to get caught up n the idea that what is being created today is truly unique to this generation. If you just take a short look back, you'll see that as we go forward, we build on the past. I came across this Pinterest page that has incredible historic fashions and inspiration. As I scrolled through, what really caught my eye were pieces from the 1960's. I think it's interesting to take a look back, see where we were, where we are, how we have changed, and how we have stayed the same.
Below, the sun and moon from Yves St. Laurent.
 There was a lot of whimsy in the 1960's. The pocket is a purse!
Lots of space age influences. Norma Kamali did a collection a few years ago that was very reminiscent of the piece below.

Janis Joplin's bell bottom pants. Interesting use of a tablecloth.
Everything was about geometric patterns and 
Pucci was everywhere, mixing patterns and colors in such vibrant ways.
Picasso's abstracts fit perfectly on to a shift dress.

 Embellishments even had a space age feel.
 The basic forms were simple,
but beautifully designed.

 Above and below, Balenciaga. Take note that the piece below is a shift with an ethereal train.
I hope you have enjoyed this stroll through the 1960's as much as I enjoyed putting it together! 
Have a wonderful week!


  1. Very inspiring pieces today, Rhonda! Lauren and I just finished watching a video presentation of my very large Italian family that my cousin put together. It was interesting to see the change in fashions for both women and men throughout the decades. A family picnic in 50's, the ladies and girls wore dresses, the men slacks and button up shirts, and everyone proper shoes. Fast forward to a family picnic in the 80's, and everyone is in short shorts, even the men, and the women are wearing shoulder pads galore! Knee socks and sneakers are everywhere. Truthfully, in the 80's the family looked a bit ragged, although more comfortable. Interesting, though, many in the older generation still dressed 'properly', and didn't subscribe to the fashion of the day. Back in the 50's, no one had a lot of clothing, but what they did have was well cared for and well made.

    1. What a wonderful family heirloom to have! We have one of my husband from when he was about 2 years old. Just priceless. One of the things that I noticed when I selected these pictures is, other than The Janis Joplin bell bottoms, the clothes are so beautifully made.

  2. Fabulous! lots of things I'd wear!!

    1. Me too!! I think I might take a pass on the cut out pieces though ;)

  3. These are amazing and truly inspirational! Thanks for putting this together.

    1. It really wasn't where I intended to go this morning, but I really enjoyed finding these pieces. Glad you enjoyed it :)

  4. Wow! That orange dress is so fabulous! It looks like it could be a sheath pattern within an A-line jumper pattern.

    1. I'm going to try and find a better picture of this dress. It really is special.

  5. It's amazing how relevant these are today. Many I would wear today, particularly the black and white op art coat. Remember Op Art?

  6. Ooh, I'm mad for that blue swing line dress. I have just written a post where I suggest a pattern hack similar. Hope you don't mind if I reference this page?

  7. Such fun colorful pieces on this dreary day! Several of them I would wear today. I had to laugh at Janis Joplin's pants. I was actually listening to her music earlier today.

    1. Janis and I are from the same hometown. She and my mother actually went to high school together. I saw a play a few years ago that was based on the letters that she wrote to her family. It was part play, part concert and it was fabulous.

    2. How neat. I'm sure you have heard interesting stories. My Dad had a friend, from service, from your mother's home town. He probably went to high school with her too. I can't remember his name. If I think of it, I'll email you.
      We had tickets to that play but sadly it was canceled a few weeks before it came to town.

  8. I wonder who decided where the flower should be placed on Janis' pants???? :)

    1. I wondered if anyone would mention that ;)

    2. May be on my mind more right now since I am in the process of cutting a blouse out of some really bright flowers. I was/am trying to make sure one of the big orange ones doesn't end up in a most conspicuous place(s). lol

    3. Well, if it does, just say it's a statement piece ;)

  9. I am in love with he Balenziaga. My friend one bought a Balenciaga skirt in a jumble sale for 20p. Those were the days. before vintage was cool though xx

    1. Lucky friend! I had the opportunity to tour a Balenciaga exhibit in San Francisco. Amazing. Due to the fact that many of his clients were older, he had all kinds of tricks to give the illusion of a flatter stomach and a straighter back. Now that's making your client look their best!

  10. Some truly stunning designs here that still seem very current.
