Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Just a Little This and That on Tuesday

Last summer I posted this picture with the question, which pair should I wear? I bought the black sandals quite a long time ago and they immediately became a favorite shoe. Since they were no longer available in stores, I put a search in on Ebay and eventually found the yellow pair. The shoes also came in hot pink and turquoise. I would love to have a pair in every color.
Since I have the search  in my Ebay account, I receive alerts when the shoes are listed. Every time I receive an alert, I get excited that maybe, just maybe this will be my size. But no. So, I thought I would post a link to the shoes that are available and try to help sell them. I'm not receiving one bit of compensation for this. But who knows, maybe the shoe gods will look upon my efforts and make a pair available in my size ;)
The first pair is yellow and if they have been worn, it's not much. You can find the listing HERE. They are a size 9.5 and they are only $14.99.
How cute are these??? It breaks my heart that I can't wear them, so someone please buy them!!! They are a size 8 and they are being sold for the bargain price of 9.99. I don't think they were ever worn. You can find the listing HERE.
On the sewing front, I need to do something fun and easy, so last night I cut out the Avocado Hoodie
in this fabric. I really like the green, but I also like the back side of the fabric too. Maybe I can get creative with it.
And the Rose Hip Tights . Both patterns are from Seamster and can be found HERE
My tights will be nothing spectacular, just black fleece. but they'll be nice and warm.
Have a great day!


  1. Rhonda,
    Great shoes! Can you tell me what pattern you used for the sleeveless dress in this post?
    Ruth Lutz

    1. Hi Ruth.
      The dress was made using the Hot Patterns Summer Breeze top pattern.

  2. Rhonda, Love all the goodies you show. I get excited every time I see your name in my email... but I do know that if you have colored or bleached your hair or even have the 6 week rinse in it for color, the chemicals in the pool will make your hair green. My aunt was a stylist and she bleached my red hair to blonde, yes I wanted to be a blond... and I had to watch going into the water... not fun when you are young ... I am old now and it is naturally, red, brown, white and even blonde...

    1. First of all, I don't think you are old. Old is a frame of mind, not an age, and you have a very young frame of mind :) my hairdresser puts highlights in my hair, so it does have some color, but I am naturally blond. At the time of the green incident, i didn't have color in my hair. Now that I do, I watch it even more.
      It really makes my day when someone tells me that they enjoy the blog. Thank you!

  3. I love that dress. The fabric is beautiful and works so well for you!

  4. I've just out my avacado hoodie in the bin! The cuffs were far too tight in my fleece and I don't have enough left to cut bigger! Disappointing.
