Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Recap of the Thrifty Thursday Whirling Cap

So many of you liked the hat I posted last last week for Thrifty Thursday. It really is a very cute hat. I lost the one I made for the post. Well, I say lost, I actually gave it away. I visited with a friend soon after I made it and she went crazy over the it's now hers :) I think that's a good way to lose a hat!
I wanted to do a recap post because a number of people had a difficult time downloading the pattern. Either go to this website and right click on the image, or right click on the picture below and then save it to "my pictures."
When you print out the pattern, it will look like this. The bottom of the pattern should measure 4" and you can see that the tip of the pattern is off the page. Not a problem at all, just tape an extra piece of paper on the pattern and draw it in.
My original cap was cut on the ribbing edge of the sweater that I used. I had plenty of fabric left in the sweater, so I cut another. The sweater had been felted a bit, but to tighten up the edge a little, I soaked the cap in hot water and then threw it in the dryer.
It tightened up the edge the amount that I wanted and the cap fits great. I just need to stitch the flower on and it will be ready to wear. To tell the truth, I've already worn it :) I'll show you a picture of me in the cap soon.
Linda T of was Johnny on The Spot about getting one made. She makes chemo caps for a hospital in her area and she thought that this would make a fun new design.
She made the cap out of fleece and added a band. I really like the look. You can find her entire post HERE.
Good luck with downloading the pattern. I hope this helps. The pattern is lots of fun to make up and looks so cute on.
I have the 2014 Wednesday Showcase recap post all ready to go....finally! I'll be back a little later today with that post.
Happy Wednesday!


  1. Thanks, Rhonda! I now have a copy to work with and can't wait to make one of these. It is much needed in our cold climate.

  2. Hey Rhonda, thanks for sharing my hat with your readers. I have another cut and ready to sew, but his morning was grocery and running day. Maybe this evening I'll manage to get to it. So generous of you to give your hat to a friend, but I agree--it's a good way to lose one!

  3. You and Linda T rock. I am hoping to make one soon too.

  4. Oh how lovely. I think I am going to give this a go. You and Linda T as Martha stated above, ROCK!

  5. Cannot get the pattern to print with 4" bottom. Can you help?

    1. Email me and we'll see what we can do.
