Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My Good Fortune Can Be Your Good Fortune!

A few days ago I ordered new pillows for my bed. A friend of mine has the most wonderful pillows, so I decided to get  a pair for my husband and myself. Since I placed the order, I have been anxiously awaiting their arrival. Funny, once I placed the order, the pillow that has been a favorite is suddenly substandard. My husband went out to walk the dogs yesterday evening and as he walked out the door he told me that there was a package. "Yea!!!, my pillows." He said that if it was the pillows, they were awfully small since the box was about the length and width  of a magazine. To my surprise, the package was from Burda and there was a gift enclosed! Sweet!!!
Remember the Best of Blogging Award?
Well, the contents were a part of the prize package.
I received the Fall edition of Burda Style magazine(my first Burda Style magazine!!), a book by Denise Wild entitled Mend and Make Fabulous, and 2 DVDs by Denise  on learning to sew.
I flipped through the magazine and saw this ad for the DVDs, a $40.00 value!! Nice!
Okay, so here's the deal. If you've followed my blog for any amount of time, I think I can safely say that you know that I know how to sew, kinda sorta anyway ;) So, I really don't need the DVDs. What I would like to do is pass them along. Do you have a friend, a child, a grandchild that would like to learn to sew? Or maybe you somehow stumbled across my blog and you would like to learn to sew. The DVDs would make a great Christmas gift or stocking stuffer. They are in the original packaging, so they have not been viewed, they are brand new. 
If you would like a chance to win the DVDs, just leave a message on this post. I will ship them anywhere. You MUST be a follower of this blog. Let me know how you follow in your comment. I will draw the winning name on Monday, December 15th, 2014. 
Good Luck!!!!


  1. I gave my nephew's wife (niece-in-law??) a sewing machine that I had won in a giveaway last year. She is very much interested in learning how to sew, but much has happened over the last year and she hasn't had the time. Now she's pregnant, and is anxious to learn! This would make a great gift for her. I follow you on Feedly.

  2. My sister jumped on the band wagon a couple of months ago and could need some guidance. She lives in Belgium. I follow you in Feedly.

  3. I follow your blog...& my girls would Befit massively from a professional how to sew series!

  4. You definitely don't need a DVD on learning sewing :D I know the basics of sewing as a hobby but if I win it then I will view it once(as I always feel I lack the proper way of beginning to sew) and pass it on to another who would love to get started. I follow you on FB and bloglovin But read posts only on bloglovin.

  5. I know EXACTLY who I would gift this to! I follow you on bloglovin'

  6. I would love to give the how-to-sew to my daughter. After resisting my influence for all of her childhood, now that she is a grown woman, she has finally caved (ha!). She bought a sewing machine recently, and she is a self-taught geek in every other area of her life, so a how-to would be very useful to her. It would also mean she doesn't have to come to me and ask for help -- I just know she's waiting for me to say "told you so!" in some form or another.

    I follow your blog via Feedly, and love all the drafting/pattern making ideas you come up with, especially those based on squares and no-waste ideas.



  7. Hi Rhonda. What a generous giveaway. I have a friend who just started sewing. She has asked me for some lessons. It has taken us almost three months to sew a pair of pajama bottoms because we can't meet very often. While I love sewing, I must admit I may not be the most patient teacher, so I think these DVD's would be a great help to her. That way she can work on her skills and when we do meet, we can fine tune things. Please toss my name into the hat. Besides following you here, I follow you on FB and SewNews. BTW-I'm doing the Robson Sew Along. Well, as soon as I receive the pattern.

  8. I follow you on Blogloin' and since I'm in charge of my ASG chapter fashion show in February these would made wonderful door prizes!

  9. I follow you on blog and pinterest. These would be great for my granddaughters who are learning to sew.
    Thanks for the great give away !! AWESOME !!

  10. I follow your blogspot... What a great opportunity! Thanks for all you do - janet

  11. The other day, a young lady in my building shared with me that the sewing machine she had just ordered had arrived! She is so excited and determined to learn to sew for herself and her kids! If my name is drawn, this set would go to Beverlyn as I am sure she would put them to good use!

  12. I follow you on blogspot & also pinterest. I would love to win that for my granddaughter! Thanks for the give-away.

  13. I would love to win! I would keep the garment one for myself, as I'm just learning to make apparel for myself and would gift the other to my friend who just got her first machine and is learning all about the wonderful world of sewing! I follow via email.

  14. These would be a great gift for my grandaughter who loves to sew at age ten. They would go to her if I get drawn. Thanks, Rhonda, for this opportunity.

  15. I follow you thru Bloglovin'. I am self-taught (via blogs, books, etc). I have always wondered what I have "missed". Would love to view the videos and then share them with my daughter who has finally decided she wants to learn.

  16. I am still very much a learner and would love the dvd's. You are so generous. Hope your pillows come soon.

  17. My daughter is learning to sew - and constantly asking me questions so these would be a great for her!. I love following all that you do via Bloglovin'. Lyn

  18. I am teaching my grandaughter to sew and it would be good for her to have some reinforcement !! I follow your blog daily

  19. Lucky you Rhonda, still you deserve this:). I don't need the DVD, I would rather it went to a good new home of a beginner sewer.

    I do hope those pillows turn up soon!

  20. I follow you on Bloglovin' and I would give the dvds to my niece who is learning to sew.

  21. My best friend's daughter just bought her first little house and wants to learn to sew (yay!). I've already bought her a nice used machine so these DVDs would be great to get her started!

  22. Congratulations! I follow you via bloglovin. Did you get the pillows yet? 😊

    1. I called last night to check on the pillows and they are supposed to arrive tomorrow, which will really nice since it's my birthday!

  23. I follow your lovely blog by email. I am only just a novice when it comes to sewing, but am looking forward to improving my skills. Thank you for the opportunity to win these.

  24. I have three daughters, all of whom are learning to sew. Two live in my city so I can help them in person, but the third lives half way across the country. These dvds would be great for her as we try to talk through sewing issues on the phone. Thanks for your generosity.

  25. I follow you on Bloglovin. These would be perfect for my 14 year old granddaughter. By the way, Happy Birthday.

  26. I might keep them myself! I follow on bloglovin

  27. And, I forgot to add, I follow you on this blog!

  28. Thanks for the opportunity. Follow on bloglovin

  29. If I am not too late, I follow on feedly.
