Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Friday, November 21, 2014

And The Winner Is......

The day is finally here!!!!!
Wow, did you ladies ever have me writing a lots of names! I know I need to join the modern world and do a computerized contest, but I always worry about there being a mix up. At least with my little slip of papers, everyone knows exactly who the winner is. So without further ado...the winner is
Ann Vidovic!!!!!
Congratulations Ann. I know you are going to make something beautiful out of this fabric.Please email me at with your address so I can get the fabric out to you.

Thank you again for all your well wishes over the last few weeks. As I told a friend recently, I am still a bit shaken. My eyesight is something I took for granted that I would always have, and as it stands at the moment, I may. But there are no guarantees as to what tomorrow will bring. All the more that we should soak up every wonderful moment that we have.
Wishing you a day soaked full of wonderful moments!


  1. Where can I purchase this fabric? It's BEAUTIFUL!

    1. Barbara, I bought the fabric some time ago and I am afraid that it is no longer available. I do have 3 yards left that I would be willing to sell if you are interested. The fabric is not wide, only 50". Email me if you are interested and I can set up an Etsy sale for you. The price would be $45.00 for the 3 yards plus shipping.

  2. Rhonda, this fabric is gorgeous. I am so excited to make a garment up in it, hopefully over my holiday break. This will be a fun project. Thank you so much for sharing it. I will send you a photo of what I make.

  3. Congrats to Ann! That fabric is gorgeous! (Is it a cotton fabric or something else? I don't recall.)

  4. It's actually a home dec fabric. But it feels like it is probably a cotton and poly blend.

  5. Congratulations to Amy, lucky devil!
    Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, Rhonda, for a healthy outcome with your eyes. Bless you, dear friend.

  6. Congratulations to Ann -really.
    How much fabric do you purchase in one go Rhonda?

    1. Typically, very little. This fabric was initially intended for a different project, but changed my mind once I got it home. So that's shy I had so much.
