Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Me Made Monday....A Day Late

As promised, here's my skirt that I made last week for the Thrifty Thursday post. You would think that I have very few clothes to wear as I have worn this skirt 3 times in the last 5 days. I wore it last Thursday after I finished it. I wore it to church on Sunday and I wore it again today. And with all of that wearing, I have not pressed it since I made it!! I think that's rather amazing. 
Because of the swirled shape of the pattern piece, the skirt really holds the flare. Since I don't seam to want to wear any of the other bazillion pieces of clothing I have in my closet ;), I think I need to make another skirt! I probably will as I really do like this skirt. It's so easy to throw on and easy to wear. You can find all of the info I posted on the skirt and the free pattern, here.  
Now it's your turn. What did you wear last week? Hopefully you weren't like me wearing the same article of clothing over and over!!!! Just click on the link button and link away. You may link up until midnight Saturday night, and you may add as many links as you like as I have not set a limit. Remember, we're telling the world that we sew!!!


  1. And the floating leaves are a perfect print for this skirt! I can't seem to get to the sewing machine these days!

    1. I bet you are tremendously busy outside during the fall. You'll get back to seeing once it gets a little cooler!

  2. I think you're awesome! I have a question about fit, I have bagginess in my upper back, why is that?
    Thank you!

    1. Thank you :) I'm not sure about your fit issue. I would need to see a picture in order to try and answer your question.

  3. Love the falling leaves on the skirt. Quite possibly the best Autumn skirt ever.

  4. Love the way this skirt falls. So elegant.

  5. Very pretty skirt, Rhonda. The leaves are so appropo this time of year.

    1. Thanks Bunny :) I have a piece of the fabric left. Just not sure what to do with it. I know matchy, matchy is not the thing to do, but maybe if I pair it with a plaid and make a vest or short jacket, it would be okay. I need to get on the ball. Fall will be over in the blink of an eye!

  6. I tried linking to this post, but something is not working for me. I'll try again tomorrow.

    1. Hi Irene, I will try to link something and see if it works. Hopefully you just experienced a little quirk.

    2. Hi again, I was able to add a link, so please give it another try.

    3. Still won't let me link up. May-be it's something with my computer. At some point I will master this!

    4. Well, I'm baffled. I was able to link up and Pao was able to link up after I did :( i will have a new post next week, so please try again.

  7. Beautiful outfit!, the skirt is beautiful. I really love how you put it together great job!

  8. Excellent job, perfect fall outfit!

  9. Beautiful skirt and the fabric is so autumnal. Looking forward to seeing another version if you make one. xx

    1. I think I am going to make a winter version, but all out boho with a different piece of wool for each panel. We'll see how it turns out. It may become an in the house skirt ;)

  10. What an elegant shape! And leaves are one of the prettiest motifs. Love it.

  11. It looks like leaves fell just for your photo shoot. Nice touch. Oh, and so is the skirt!

    1. Oh, if only that we're the case. By the time I get home, I will have a ton of leaves waiting for me. The fun thing about it is the dogs love to run through my raked piles. I always love seeing their joy :)
