Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, September 29, 2014

She's ALIVE!!!

Well, for the most part anyway ;) But I'm home and in the words of Dorothy(Wizard of Oz), "There's no place like home!"
So I thought I would just quickly check in this morning and share a couple of pictures from the expo. I was so busy and just forgot to really take any pictures. So sorry. It was a great experience. I had some of the most wonderful women take my classes. This is not being nice, just honest, I truly enjoyed everyone in my classes. Just such an energetic group and so eager to learn something new. So encouraging for me. The only problem that I had was with my voice. Thankfully I didn't lose it. I had pneumonia when I was in my early 20's and my voice has never been very strong sense. On Friday night I talked to my husband and he could hear that it was going and going fast. I had planned to have dinner with Connie Bontje of  and Kristine Balinski  of, but I decided it was wise to stay in and rest. As I said, I made it through, so all was well in the end.
This picture was taken on Thursday evening by Rhonda Pierce of Schmetz Needles. This is Becky, the Tim Gunn of the American Sewing Expo Passion For Fashion contest. She is truly the mentor extraordinaire! She could give Time Gunn a run for his money!! You may recognize the top I'm wearing. It's from this Fabulous Free Pattern Friday post. I was told that while I was standing in line for lunch, people were taking pictures of my top from behind. Hopefully they weren't for the "don't wear this" file!!
As you walked in the door to the expo, this was the poster that greeted everyone. How incredible is that??? This was the garment that I designed for the Passion For Fashion Contest 3 years ago. It won the Audience Choice Award. My beautiful model Gabriel is standing along side. I think we both felt very honored.
And finally, a little something funny. The convention center is quite large. There are actually 2 large halls. On Saturday and Sunday there is a gun and knife convention in the second hall. A friend of mine shot this picture and I thought it was priceless :) The way the sign reads, you would think there's a gun and knife class at the sewing expo!! Well, in all honesty, I think there are many of us who have at times wanted to use a gun on our machines ;), or at least a knife on a project that has given us fits.    
I'll be back later this afternoon with our Me Made Monday link up post.
Have a wonderful day!


  1. So sorry I missed the Expo with you as a teacher this year. Would have loved to have attended one of your or all of your sessions. I know you were well accepted and sorry we have no pictures of projects in progress. Congratulations once again.

    1. I think that somehow we need to figure out how to split ourselves into so we can get more in. We'll hook up again I'm sure! Too bad though that you weren't able to be there. I think they did a wonderful job of bringing in some great teachers.

  2. I had hoped to run into you at the expo just to say "hi", but no luck. I'm glad you enjoyed your experience.

    The funny thing about the sewing expo and the gun show: the guys who collect the parking fee don't need to ask which show you're there for!

    1. Hey, you never know!!!!
      So sorry I missed you too. Would have been great to say hi. I just couldn't believe how fast the day went. The good thing about it all though was that I had very little time to do any shopping, so Haberman's was it.
      Maybe next year!

  3. Sounds like it was very successful!

    1. It was Vicki. I have one more little, well, not so little thing that happened. I'll share it later this week.

  4. Glad you were able to preserve your voice, as Saturday and Sunday's students would have been so very disappointed! I feel kinda like it's my turn to come your town now, no? ;)

  5. How exciting. Funny about the guns and knives

  6. Hope that voice gets rested more now that you are home. Sounds like a wonderful event!

    1. I've slept until almost 7 the last 2 days, very late for me. So I am definitely feeling much more rested. Even if I had lost my voice, it would have been worth it. So much fun!

  7. Thanks for giving an insider look ~ we don't have anything like that at all Down Under ... and I had to laugh at the Guns & Knives convention ~ puts our sewing arsenal (the always sharp quick-unpicks) to shame ... J

    1. I saw that you linked your current post to MMMondays. So happy to have you join and that dress is killer on you.

  8. Laughing about the Gun & Knife show too. Glad all was well, sounds like an amazing event. xx

    1. Nothing I like more than a good laugh and I thought that although unintentional, it was priceless!
      The expo really was a great experience and a lot of fun.

  9. Rhonda - glad to hear that your trip went well. I did read a posting on another blog from one of your students and she had a great time!

    I know that you have also been to the Sewing & Stitchery Show in Puyallup, and I was wondering which show you would recommend if one was only able to attend one show?

    1. The expo in Puyallup is HUGE and wonderful, but note the huge. The American Sewing Expo is probably 1/3 the size, but there is a strong focus on fashion sewing. I bumped
      Into a lady from Atlanta and she commented about how she really liked ASE because of the fashion sewing focus rather than the focus being on quilting. So I hope that helps you make a decision.

  10. I am so happy that I had you as an instructor and that I was able to learn so much from you. I hope our paths cross again some day and I'm able to make you proud of what I learned from you. I am so happy to hear you had a good time at the expo and that you arrived home safely and with your voice! Thanks for being so inspirational! :)

    1. You have just made my day! Thank you and I am so happy that enjoyed the class. I had a great time at the expo, a little exhausting, but really good. Good luck on your projects and if you need any help, please don't hesitate to ask.
