Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, September 22, 2014

Me Made Mondays

About a month or so ago, Marina of Frabjous Couture began  Me Made Mondays and invited people to link up. I thought it would be fun as I really enjoyed participating in Me Made May a year ago. I like the idea of posting one garment that I've made and worn during the week and I like the idea of being able to take the journey throughout the year rather than just the one month marathon. Sadly, Marina feels that she will not be able to continue. So rather than completely ditch the project, I asked Marina if she would mind if I would pick up the posts. She was quite happy for me to take on the posts and set up the link party, so for the next year, I will be doing Me Made Mondays. There are very few rules, just wear a garment that you've made during the week, you do not have to wear the garment on Monday. Take pictures and then link to my posts. That's it! From time to time, I would like to showcase your Me Mades during the year. I think it's fun to see what others are doing. So I hope a few of you will link up and take on the challenge of wearing at least one of your beautiful handmade garments every week over the next year.
My entry for this week is a dress I made a while back. It's a knit dress
 that has a godet on one side.
 The dress is asymmetrical..
I took this picture of the dress on the carpet in my bedroom and it blends in a bit, but I think you can at least get an idea of the shape of the dress. It's reminiscent of something you would see in the Japanese pattern books. 

If you would like to join along, just click on the InLinkz button and link up. I look forward to seeing what you're wearing!!  


  1. This is beautiful! Did you use a pattern or draft it yourself? If it's a pattern, I'd love to know which one.

  2. The dress is lovely, very flattering. I love your shoes as well. Great outfit!

    1. Interesting Dress. And a nice idea to continue The ME-Made mondän from marina . I wear nearly everyday something that i have sewn, but i get not around of taking Pictures......

  3. Love the dress and always love the shoes. Any chance you'll post the dress pattern?

    1. I was actually thinking of making it into a downloadable pattern with the option of a dress or top. So happy to hear from you!! It's been a while :)

  4. Cute dress! Very wearable. Love the shoes too!

  5. Great dress. It is very flattering colorwise and those shoes are the perfect accessory!

  6. What a great idea with carrying on the Me Made Mondays, Rhonda. Not that you don't do enough already! And a great looking dress too. Everything I wear is made by me, so I'd love to join in. So it's once a week, every Monday. cool. Thanks Rhonda.

  7. Beautiful dress. Love the design. A top idea would be wonderful 😄
