Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Friday, August 8, 2014

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday Everyone!!
I have a project that I must finish today, so this is going to be a short post. I'll be back with a new Fabulous Free Pattern item next week.
I did a little cleaning up in my studio yesterday. When I say a little, I mean very little ;), anyway...I came across the Summer Breeze pattern from Hot Patterns. I have made this top 4 times now and I think I have made all that I want to make. Rather than recycle it or give it to the thrift store, I thought I would offer it up to whoever might like to have it. I cut out the draped and tied top, but not the draped top that sits further back in the picture. The draped and tied top was cut for a size 10. So the smaller sizes are there, but the larger sizes have been cut away. 
I will also include the sleeve pattern that I did.
If only one person would like to have the pattern, then it's yours, but if more than one person would like the pattern, I'll do a drawing. Just leave a message on this post and as I said, if there is more than one person interested, I'll draw names and announce the winner on Monday, August 11th.

Now for a little something extra. Design Sponge did an article this week about natural dyes.
Design*Sponge | Printable Natural Dyes Chart
They offered a free download of this chart which you can find here. It's great info, but I thought it would be fun to print out on card stock too.  Who wouldn't enjoy receiving a card with a fun graphic like this?
Well, we just lost all of our electricity in the entire house. Oh well, maybe the gods have a different plan for my day ;)
Hope you have a wonderful and productive day!


  1. Super cute pattern! I'd love to give it a try. Thanks for offering it up to the online sewing community!

  2. Looks cute, I'll give it a go. Thanks

  3. I'd love to try it if this is open to overseas??

  4. I'd love to try this, especially the draped top at the back!

  5. How generous of you! I'd love to try it as well, though I'm not a size 10 yet - maybe by next summer. At least, that's my goal. Just starting to sew a few things for myself. :D

  6. I like the tops because they drape but have no V neck. It has whetted my appetite to do some more sewing.

  7. Love the style lines of the drape top and could see it made in a variety of fabrics. Would love to be included in the drawing.

  8. Beautiful! I'd love to give it a try! Thank you!

  9. I would love to have this pattern. It is on my wish list.

  10. OOOOOO!!!! I'd love to try this pattern. Please toss my name into the hat.

  11. That top has been on my list since I saw yours made up. And the sleeve pattern too? I'm in! ;-) Thanks for the tip on natural dyes. I've been dyeing my fingertips with cherries all summer long. The cherries have been sweet this summer!

  12. Thanks for offering the pattern I would love to try it, especially with the sleeves!

  13. I really would like to try the pattern, so generous of you to offercthe pattern!!

  14. I just returned from holiday and just in time to join the giveaway of the pattern, lucky me ;) I love it! :)

  15. I'd love to give the pattern a try as well. Thank you!
