Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Saturday, July 19, 2014

OOTD, The Gathered Insert Top

I've been asked to post pictures of me in the things that I share with you, so just a quick picture of me in the top that remade with the gathered inserts. It's not the best picture, but hopefully you get the idea of what it looks like on a body.
I'm so glad that I chopped up the top as I just love how it looks now. If you missed the tutorials on how I did the gathered inserts, you can find them here. 
Hope you're having a great weekend!


  1. I'm glad you reposted this as I missed it the first Tim. I want to try this technique.

    1. Great! I hate to repeat myself, but a number of people have asked me to try and take pictures of me in the pieces I do. Sometimes I just don't have time, but I want to get the blog post out, so the picture has to come a little later.
      The technique is quite easy, but it can be a great fix for a number of things, like a too low neckline. Enjoy!

  2. This top is one of my favorites of all that you've done....and (as always) you've done a superb job!

    I missed where you got the striped fabric for the inserts, though. Were they part of the original fabric or pulled from your stash? Please tell me!

    Even when I don't comment, I want you to know I still follow you and read every blog. I cheer for your success in completing your Design and Certification course material and fully support your recent successes and increasing accomplishments.

    Lurking nearby...

    PS: I LOVE the natural curl in your hair! Don't fight it! You look beautiful!

  3. Great look especially with the white slacks!

  4. I have learn SO MUCH from you. Now, if I could just LOOK LIKE YOU DO in clothes! I love the blouse. Would TRY to copy it if I could find the same fabrics, but I'm sure I can't. That is knit, right?

    Hugs, Joy

  5. Hi Rhonda, Thanks for creating and posting the link to your tutorial. It's definitely one I'd like to incorporate.

  6. Yes! Sew nice, especially with the white pants. Classic!
