Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Web Talk Radio, A Conversation

A little over a week ago I received an email from Ingrid Talpak. She is a very interesting woman. Her background is in antiques. For many years she was an antique dealer, but her career has taken an interesting turn as she now has a website called, Her website is in her own words,
"committed to help you get the biggest bang out of  life with the smallest buck. Money does not dictate your style, ingenuity does." 
Along with her website, she is on WebTalkRadio and has a weekly talk show program. I discovered web talk radio programs through Design Sponge, fabulous website. After listening to one show, I was hooked! I can get the programs on my phone and listen whenever it is convenient. I especially enjoy listening while I'm doing something mindless, like cleaning my house ;). Now in all honesty, I am a radio junky, I love talk radio. I am far too young to remember the old time radio programs, but there is a station here in Chicago that features the old programs every Saturday afternoon. I love being able to work away at something while listening. I especially enjoy the mental images that I create in my mind as the stories are played out. So, web talk programs are a perfect fit for me!

Now, to finally get to the email that I received from Ingrid, she invited me to be on her program!!!!! Wow, what an honor! Somehow, and I am not sure how, she discovered my blog and liked what she saw and contacted me. The interview took place yesterday. It was SO much fun! We talked about how sewing went from being something everyone, or almost everyone did, to almost becoming extinct, to finally finding a whole new audience. The program will be on her website next Monday, April 7, 2014. As soon as it is up, I'll do a quick post with a link so you can listen if you like. I'm rather anxious to hear the program as I felt much more myself than I did when I did the videos for Sew News. Not that I wasn't myself, but I was so concerned about doing a good job, and so not as animated as I am normally. Although, if you listen closely to the videos, you will hear small jokes that I make about myself, but I am much more reserved.
As I said, this was truly an honor and for me, a complete surprise. Thank you to all of you who drop by on a regular basis. Any recognition or success that I may have has so much to do with the support that you so generously give to me.


  1. So cool! Congratulations! Look forward to listening when it becomes available..

    1. Yes, pretty cool! But you know, I'll listen to the broadcast before I post a link ;)

  2. I am so thrilled for you. No wonder she invited you. Anyone who has read your blog understands. It's a great blog!

    1. Thanks Martha, you are awfully sweet :)

    2. Wow, that is brilliant. Really looking forward to giving it listen.

  3. How exciting - congratulations!

  4. Oh wow how cool. :-)

    1. It is!! and I am still pinching myself. Such a nice honor :)
