Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday's Soup and Sunday Brunch!

Happy Sunday Everyone!
On New Year's Eve I made mashed potatoes and over did it just a bit. Actually, I never mind as I enjoy using the leftovers in other recipes. I made two different dishes this morning with my leftovers and I thought I would share them. Like I said, I over did it a bit :)
First, I love leftover mashed potato pancakes. My grandmother would make these for me, so very happy memories.
They are so easy to make and are wonderful topped with poached or fried eggs.
All you need is
2 cups of leftover mashed potatoes
1/4 cup of flour
2 eggs
salt and pepper if you like
Mix the ingredients together with a whisk.
The consistency should be like thick cake batter.
Heat a skillet and add a little corn oil. I usually measure mine out with a large serving spoon. If you would like for them to be a little crispier, press them out a little thinner than what I have in the picture.
Fry on both sides. Cook your eggs separately and then serve.  Makes a great breakfast item.
My second item is of course soup. I call this 
Waste Not Want Not Soup 
Here's where the waste not want not comes in. I basically use whatever I have. Whenever I serve broccoli, I like to cut the stems off, but I save the stems for soups and pasta dishes.  
Today I had broccoli stems, green onion and celery, about a good cup of each. I also had 2 cups of mashed potatoes and I added 2 cloves of chopped garlic.
Chop the vegetables and saute in a tablespoon of oil and  a tablespoon of butter until tender, about 5 minutes. For 3 cups of chopped vegetables I added 4 cups of broth. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat and simmer for about 20 minutes. Using an immersible mixing wand, puree vegetables. Add the 2 cups of mashed potatoes, salt and pepper to taste. I also had some parsley that I wanted to use up. Tastes good and looks pretty. Heat until soup is desired temperature for serving.
You can also use leftover peas and or carrots. This soup is great for using in your casserole recipes that call for creamed soup. It's a lot lower in calories and I think it tastes better.
A soup that helps to start the new year out with a cleaned out refrigerator and something good in your stomach!


  1. Yummy. When (if) I ever get to your part of the country, I want to come for lunch!

  2. Was that chicken broth? Thank you so much for explaining. I often add things to Cream of Anything soup, but I've never blended a soup of leftovers. I WILL try that.
    Hugs, Joy

    1. Chicken or vegetable broth, either will be fine.

  3. Potato pancakes are one of the reasons I make extra mashed potatoes. Most people want to make them with shredded potatoes. Not the same at all!

    The only thing I do different is to fry them in butter. Makes a huge difference in flavor and worth the calories,.

    1. My husband is German and grew up eating the shredded potato pancakes, but I think he now likes these as well. I will try frying them in butter next time. Hey, we only live once :)

  4. Mmmm Rhonda, it all looks great! I like to cook the stems of broccoli along with the florets - I just peel with a peeler or paring knife, then slice into rounds. Since the stem is a bit more fibrous, I put the stem pieces in the steamer as the first layer, with the florets on top. I love your soup recipe, and will definitely file this one away. I don't use canned soups, so this is perfect for casseroles. I may freeze some broccoli stems for this purpose when I am in a hurry and just want to cook the florets! You're a genius!

    1. You are too sweet, not a genius, just thrifty. It's the Scot in me ;)

  5. Potato pancakes are great both with leftover mashed potatoes or shredded potatoes. My mother is German, when she made the shredded potato cakes they were served with apple sauce. The mashed type she served with a light gravy but I like your idea of the eggs better and will try that next time I don't use the leftovers for something else. I love your soups.

    1. My husband is German and his grandmother made the shredded pancakes. Having the mashed potato pancake for breakfast makes him quite happy, but he really prefers the German style. So glad that you enjoy the soups as I do too!

  6. Made your leftover mashed potato pancakes tonight and everyone loved them. I told the family you served them with "runny" eggs (that's what my kids call them) and now they have requested these for breakfast. Thanks for sharing your recipe.
