Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, December 5, 2013

December Birthday Celebration Day 4

Well, the names continue to grow in my little box, but the odds are still pretty good. I have 29 names in the box and 19 illustrations remaining. Like I said yesterday, better than the lottery. Too bad my little prize isn't worth millions!!!!Oh well, it's still nice to win and today's winner is
Yea!! Congratulations Miss TwoToast. You may remember that she made the lovely Christmas pillowcases for the Mary Bridge Children's Hospital pillowcase drive. You can see that post here. I think I helped to create a pillowcase making demon though, as she has gone on to make many more for various projects including Christmas gifts.I think that is lovely. Way to go TwoToast!!!
So on today's illustrations.
 Aren't these beautiful?!!
In the event that you have not thrown your name in,
1. You must be a follower of the blog through some vehicle be it my little follower box, bloglovin, feedly or some other reader. Just let me know how you follow.
2. Leave a comment on this post. Once you leave a comment, you will not have to continue to leave comments as your name will stay in the box until you win. Once you win, your name will be removed.
3. Be sure to check back each day to see if you have won. If you do win, please email me at with your address so I can get your prize in the mail.
Good Luck everyone and Happy Thursday!!!


  1. Just beautiful! I wish you were selling them---maybe my chances would be better. ;)

  2. I just set up Bloglovin' to follow you. I'd been following you on Facebook.

  3. Still keeping my fingers crossed :)

  4. Oh I would love one! Please include me in the draw!

  5. Oh, I follow you on Bloglovin!

  6. As I am a techno nitwit, I follow you by putting your blog name into my browser. I don't know if that will qualify me for a chance at an illustration but I hope so. I've also written you a couple of letters, one about your very fancy zebra dress and asking for a repost of the neckline. I hope all this counts. It would be wonderful to win an illustration.
    In the meantime, thanks for all your wonderful posts – pillowcases, soups, Friday patterns and Sunday thoughts plus all the other gorgeous sewing you do.

  7. Okay, Ms Buss....I'm in!
    I have been following your blog directly (via and have made so many Ungaro designs, it would be wonderful to add one to my wall!
    Thanks so much....and Happy Birthday!


  8. I've just started following on Bloglovin' this year and I have enjoyed your Pillowcase project and your Sleeves on Saturday posts. Most of my girls shirts and dresses now hav the Yoking Butterfly sleeve.

