Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It Shall Be Done

A friend of mine sent this to me and said that it reminded her of me.
To be honest, it's not at all how I look at myself. I did print this off and I keep it in my studio as the visual reminder that I need from time to time.
In recent months, I've hinted about some great things that I've been working on, but just haven't been able to share. One as you now know, is the Master Sewing and Design Professional Certification Program. Now that everything is all coming together, I can share another. Last February, Ellen March, the editor of Sew News asked me if I would be interested in writing for the magazine. Do I have black dogs?!!!! Of course I would!!!!! First of all, I love to write, and second, I love to sew, so for me this is the perfect combination. My first article will appear in the February 2014 issue of Sew News. Yea!!!
The opportunity has become all the sweeter as Ellen would also like for me to do videos that will accompany my articles. Second BIG YEA!!! The videos will appear on the Sew News blog. Things have been rather back and forth about how to do the videos. Initially, I thought that the videos would be done over a period of time and that I would do them from my own studio. Then I received a message that the studio at Sew News had an opening and could I be in Denver on Monday November 18th? Oh my goodness, this meant that I had to get everything ready in two weeks time. Impossible. My answer...."I'll do it."
Some time ago I told you about a book that I read called The Go-Getter. It's a very small book. It can be read in just a few hours, and if you are like me, it will change your life. The book was written in 1915 and it is in the vernacular of the period, so it takes just a bit of time to adjust to the language, but well worth it. The story is about a man who learned that success in any area of your life requires that you decide that you will not be denied from reaching your goals. When it looks impossible, he declares, "It shall be done."
For the last week and a half, I have been working diligently on my projects and it has all been coming along until yesterday. I had cut one of my demonstration pieces from the fabric below with the girls on it. I barely had enough, at least I thought I had enough. When I pulled it out to start organizing it, I found that I should have cut two center panels, but I had only cut one and there was no more fabric. Thinking that I would probably have to re-cut the entire piece, off I went to The Needle Shop (I love this store!) and I found the print with the notepads. Score!! The center panels and the trim have been cut from this fabric.          
I pulled out another project that I needed to cut thinking that I knew exactly where the pattern was, and for the life of me, I could not find the pattern. Now, if I ordered the pattern from the company, it would be coming from another country. How would I ever get it in time? I felt undone. Then I heard the words, "it shall be done." I got on the computer and I found this fabric store, in Washington which carries the patterns. They were able to ship the pattern overnight and I will have it by noon today. It was done!!! By the way, the customer service was truly over the top. Not only did they get the pattern in the mail to me ASAP, but I received a call to let me know that it had been shipped and to let me know that it would require a signature and since I REALLY needed the pattern, she wanted to make sure that I would be home to receive it. I am now a devoted customer :) of Below is a picture of the fabric that I will be using for the project. I LOVE this fabric!
No panic over the piece below, I thought I would share it just because it's fun. This is vintage barkcloth that I found in a resale shop some years ago. I think I have two curtain panels. I just can't wait to show you the project. I'll be able to share it with you once the first article appears in February.
So now you know what has been taking my time. I will be back from Denver late on the 19th. Since this project has been so time consuming, I've had to put the MSDP work on hold until I return. I have a fun article on burn tests and silk to write up for the MSDP project, so stay tuned. Farhanna of is very excited about the MSDP project and has even beat me to the punch with an article on burn tests that you might like to check out.
My blog posts may be a little sparse over the next few days, so please forgive me. Once I get this project behind me, I should be back in full swing.
Have a wonderful day!


  1. Gosh you are ,ore than forgiven - such a compliment to be asked to write for the magazine and you will be fabulous - have fun & congratulations

  2. That does remind me of you! Such a lovely picture, love her to death. Mind if I print it too?
    Love the prints and I can't wait to see what you "I'm possible" next!
    You are such an inspiration to so many of us.

  3. Wonderfull news,a lot of work but a lot of satisfaction.Congratulations!

  4. Such wonderful news, Rhonda! So many great things are happening because you've worked hard and earned them!

  5. Wow! I'm so impressed (and so very jealous). I dream of being able to spend my days in the sewing studio and sharing my knowledge with others, but... duty calls to my 1st chosen profession. In 10 years, I hope to be starting my 2nd career. Another book (similar in setting and reaching goals) that has come highly recommended to me is "One Word" by John Gordon.

  6. GREAT news, Rhonda. So happy for you! Your dedication, determination, and hard work has paid off in so many of your endeavors. May you have blue skies and green lights as you carry on!

  7. So, so exciting!! I love how you are so full of energy and enthusiasm. Good luck with the shooting :)

  8. Congratulations! Well deserved.

  9. Have a great trip, Rhonda! You have earned all of this success!

  10. Congratulations! I don't know HOW you deal with so much going on. Will be anxiously awaiting your articles, videos and whatever else you do.
    Hugs, Joy

  11. Congratulations, very exciting and well earned.

  12. Yay for you, Rhonda! Great fantastic news! I can't wait to read your articles and watch the videos. Enjoy your whirlwind trip - I hope you stay somewhere very plush and relaxing, with a big tub. (I love Pink Chalk, too. Consistently awesome customer service.)

  13. Exciting times - congratulations!

  14. I am anxiously awaiting the project you will make with the fabric with the ladies' faces, as I have that fabric (or at least one almost exactly the same) and I have no idea what to make with it. Just loved the fabric.
    And congrats on the writing articles. Having followed your blog, I know you will do a great job and with the videos it will be even better. Yes, you are the "I'm possible."

    BTW Paris and Yves Saint Laurent studio was phenomenal!!

  15. Hi Rhonda - I am a great believer in the power of I can, not I can't. Then with work and persistence, along with flexibility, you will be in a great position to take advantage of opportunities. Good luck.

    I am sure your followers will quite understand if posts are a little out of order. Mine are too at moment - but I am sure I am the only one really noticing :)

    1. This is all glorious news. You are so deserving of these opportunities. I can't wait to see what you do with the barkcloth. I have some hanging round and could use a bit of inspiration, something you always provide so well. Thanks for that.

    2. That is so sweet of you Bunny and the little boost of confidence I needed this morning. The "low down bug" seemed to knock on my door this morning :(

  16. Wonderful, fabulous news, Rhonda! Good luck and have fun! These opportunities are well deserved!

  17. Many congrats Rhonda! i remind me this quote every time i feel i'm giving up, can't wait to read your article and your upcoming project with Botticelli fabric, stunning! a big hug!
