Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sugar Plum Please!

A few months ago, I received an email from Amity of Lolita Patterns. She told me that she and her partner had a pattern that they would be releasing soon and asked if I would test it for them. I always like to try out a new pattern and if I can offer a bit of help, all the better! There were a few glitches in getting the pattern on the market, not with the pattern itself, but with the packaging. They came up with an interesting idea and it took a bit to work out the kinks, but they stuck with it and the pattern is now available, YEA!! Way to go ladies. 
The pattern is called Sugar Plum. It is designed especially for the busy professional woman. The bodice is designed for a woven fabric and the skirt for a knit. This is especially nice when you have to do a lot of sitting during the day.
 Worn with a jacket, it looks like you are wearing a suit, making it a very professional look.
It can be made with or without the front flounce.
First of all, I must apologize for taking pictures of my dress on my dress form rather than on my body. This is the first day this week that I have not had to pull myself together, so I just had to take a no makeup day off. Tomorrow I will be back to reality, so I will take a picture of me in the dress so you can see how it fits someone who does not have a rock hard body like my dress form :).
The pattern makes up into a very pretty dress. What untill you see the shoes I'm going to wear with this dress!! 
I did make some changes to the pattern.
The pattern calls for 5 buttons down the front with 1 at the neckline. I added 7 as I felt that for me it was a nicer look. Mine will have a button at the neckline, I just need to go buy another package.  
The pattern also has the zipper at center back. I did not want the extra line down center back. so I hand picked a zipper into my side seam.
 A lot of the new skirts that are being shown are a little longer and I really like the look, so I decided to add 3" to the length of the skirt. I also tapered it 1 1/2" on either side at the side seams to give the skirt a little more of a fitted look around the knees. Remember, the skirt is a knit, so you can get away with it being a little more fitted and you can still move.
The small ruffle around the neckline was supposed to be only 1 layer and edged stitched. I like the cleaner look of having the seam enclosed.
As you can see, I elected to not add the ruffles down the center front. Just my preference. There was one fitting change that I made to the pattern. I tend to be a bit long-waisted, so I added 1" to the midriff pattern piece. Worked out wonderfully. There's nothing I hate more than a dress that rides up above my waist. Well, there probably is something I hate more, but I do find that terribly uncomfortable. 
The pattern has a very cute sleeve. Looks really so nice on the arm. And for anyone who feels that they want at least a little coverage on their arm, this works out well. 
So all in all, I was very happy with the pattern. I'm looking forward to wearing the dress very soon. If you would like to make one for yourself, here is a link to the Lolita shop page, While you are there, you might want to pick up their free Fushia skirt pattern. I have not made it, but it looks super cute!
Oh, one last thing, I do plan to make a covered belt to pair with my dress. Not that it needs it, I just like the look of a belt with a high-waisted skirt.
Thanks to the ladies at Lolita Patterns for asking me to test the pattern. It was a great experience!


  1. This is very cute! I have looked at reviews for this pattern before and really admired them. I love the side zip and the buttons, very chic yet secure enough to be worn daily. I don't like those super long zippers that go up the back that require yoga moves to zip. I have worn a purchased dress to work only to discover a couple of hours later that I didn't get it completely zipped and I'm scarred for life. I really prefer to put mine down the side. Very cute dress!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is a very cute pattern. Not sure about the sleeve - a bit too cutesy (for me anyway). Love yours and the examples from Lolita. Wish I had one to wear to work today!

  4. Wow - gorgeous! I love the colors and the entire look! What fabric did you use for the blouse? I couldn't pull off the sleeves but it would probably look good as a sleeveless blouse, too.

  5. I love this dress. Your version is gorgeous and the fabrics and colours chosen are beautiful. Great job.

  6. Lovely, Rhonda. Your fabric choices are just beautiful.

  7. Stunning dress with elegant proportions. I love the wider waist band - it really elongates the body.

  8. THAT IS GORGEOUS!!! I love everything about it. The sleeve is way too darling! I doubt I could wear that waist, but I sure will love it on you. Love your fabrics and colors too.
    Hugs, Joy

  9. I love this dress, and I like your side zip idea and extra buttons. It is going to look perfect on you.

  10. Beautiful - I look forward to seeing it being worn!

  11. I know your shoes will be as amazing as your sugar plum dress. Love it Rhonda.

  12. I know your shoes will be as great as your Sugar Plum Rhonda.

  13. What a very pretty dress - I think it could be worn to many more places than an office :).

  14. Great dress. Love this pattern but I'd have no place to wear it. :(

  15. This is really a gorgeous dress. Just gorgeous! ~Laurie

  16. I was asked to test this pattern too but the request came at a very busy time for me and I didn't think I'd be able to give the design the attention it deserved. I love the idea of a dress that looks like a skirt and blouse. I guess I'll have to purchase it now.... You choice of fabrics is fabulous.

  17. this is a really cute pattern and I love your choice of fabric/ colour. and having a side zip instead of at the back would make the dress so much easier to wear. :)

  18. Yup gorgeous. Can't wait to see the shoes you picked out for it either :)
