Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Halfway Mark, 450 Pillowcases For Mary Bridge

Well, it happened, 450 pillowcases were hung. What a momentous day! My husband worked on stringing the lines for me on Friday night so that we wouldn't have that to do on Saturday morning. Below is a before picture with the lines crisscrossing all over my garden.
And here is what it looked like from above once the pillowcases were all on the lines.

I couldn't have asked for a better day, the temperatures were in the mid 70's, very little wind and great sunshine. Today it's raining. 
I would like to give a special thank you to the two pilots who flew over and took pictures, Lee Hogan and Butch Bejna. Butch and I meet because we volunteered to fly for a program called Young Eagles. The program is sponsored through the Experimental Aircraft Association which is in Oshkosh, WI. The focus of the program is that by introducing children to flight, it will help them realize whatever their dreams are for their own lives. To date, Butch has given almost 2000 children a ride in his airplane. That's one child at a time as he only has two seats, one for the pilot and one for a passenger. I've flown quite a few, but nothing like Butch. So, once again, thank you Lee and Butch for giving us the gift of seeing the cases from above.
Butch and Lee also too the pictures to celebrate the fist 100 donated pillowcases. Just to refresh your memory, here's what the first 100 looked like from the air.
 The last flyover will be when we have reached the goal of 900 pillowcases. This will take place when all the leaves are off the trees, so this will be a spectacular sight I'm sure. 
I made a little video. What fun it was to walk through all of the cases.

As I said in the video, generosity abounds. When I first thought of participating in this project, I thought that I would donate at least a few, but the universe spoke to my heart and said, "why not 900?" I knew I couldn't do it alone, so I asked and look what has happened, truly a miracle. Thank you for your time and your resources. We will never meet the children whose heads these cases will hold, but we will touch their lives in a very special way as they will know that someone cared enough to do something special for them.
For anyone who has just happened upon this blog post, the pillowcases are going to Mary Bridge Children's Hospital in Tacoma, Washington. Each child who is admitted to the hospital is given a pillowcase. We are very close to reaching the goal of collecting 900 pillowcases, a little less than 200 are needed. If you would like to participate, here is a link to the simplified instructions that I did, And, if you are participating, email me at and let me know.
Thanks again everyone!!


  1. Replies
    1. The guys flew around and around trying to get a good shot. So nice of them. Once the leaves are off the trees, it'll be quite impressive I think.

  2. Replies
    1. It is, isn't is. I get more and more excited with each passing day. Watching this all progress has been really exciting.

  3. Awe inspiring! You've done something great with this project.

  4. Spectacular, Rhonda. Just Spectacular. You are a special person and so are your pilot friends. God Bless.

  5. Thank you for the beautiful video! I loved when you told about Gracie too. You said you were a little emotional today. I would call it being tender hearted and that's what makes you special and a blessing to others!

  6. Simply beautiful! Such a kind and loving gift
    and commitment from you and from the
    others who contributed. It really is an art
    show .. art from the heart. I really enjoyed
    the video. You're just very sweet and kind
    (and talented). And kudos to your husband!
    What a noble prince to string and support
    all that line! You must have hundreds of
    clothes pins .. LOL.


    1. Thank you Joy. Art From The Heart, I really like that. I've wanted a title for this project, something more tha. The Maty Bridge Children's Hospital Pillowcase Drive. With your permission, Art From The Heart is what I want to call this project.
      As for my husband, I have on many occasions called him my knight in shining armour :-)

  7. SO COOL!!! Love the photos, and those pillowcases shine like jewels:-)

  8. Well shucks .. ;). I'm flattered you like my
    top-of-the-mind label. I think it does fit ..
    and my pleasure.

