Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, September 23, 2013

Haute Cases

As I shared with you in another post, I told the ladies of Haute Couture, our wonderful sewing club here in Chicago, about the pillowcase project at our year end banquet. I was amazed when in September I was showered with pillowcases. 
Brenda S. donated 6.
 They are so bright and cheery. I'm such a sucker for animal prints!!

Francine donated 4.
The festive feathers are such fun and who wouldn't have sweet dreams resting their head on a field of chocolates?
 Dorothea did two lovely cases. Such sweet pansies.

 And last but not least, Brenda R. made another 6.
 Dragon flies caught in Van Gogh swirls, and lovely musical notes to dance through one's dreams.
Thank you so much ladies for contributing to the Mary Bridge Children's Hospital pillowcase project.
I took a little time this afternoon to count all of the pillowcases that have been donated. I know of at least three people who have cases which includes two more Haute Couture ladies, but at this point, I am only counting the pillowcases that I have received. The grand total stands at 731 pillowcases!!!!!! This number includes the 200 that I have committed to. 731, isn't that just incredible?!!!!! That means that we are only 169 away from our goal. Amazing, amazing, amazing!!!! I feel like dancing :)
There is still plenty of time to donate to the project. The cases will be shipped to Seattle in February. We have a sponsor who has offered to ship the cases. More on that when we get a little closer to the shipping date. I will be traveling to the Sewing and Stitchery Expo in Puyallup, Washington the end of February to officially present the pillowcases. Watching this project unfold has been such a incredible journey, one that I am so very thankful to be a part of. But what I am most grateful for is all of you who have so generously donated. This project would be nothing more than a few pillowcases from me if you had not found it in your heart to give.
If you would like to donate to the project, here is a link to the simplified pillowcase instructions that I did, If you would like to participate, just email me at and let me know. If you would like to read more about the project, you can find all the posts here,
By the way, if you are ever in Chicago the first Saturday of the month, we would love for you to pop in on one of our Haute Couture meetings :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what beautiful pillowcases! And for such an awesome cause too - well done!
