Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Mary Bridge Children's Hospital Pillowcase Update

I received a message from Miss Bobbi B. yesterday as she wanted to let me know that a batch of pillowcases would be arriving sometime during the day. She had not told me that she had mailed them, so it was a wonderful surprise. Inside the package were 19 pillowcases. Incredible!! 
They are all lovely, but my favorite was the simplest.  She took this eyelet piece and two seams later, she was finished. I have no idea why I didn't think about this as I have some eyelet and I think it makes such a pretty case.
I have no idea where you all have gotten your fabrics as at this point, of all the cases that I have received, there have been no duplicates from one person to the next.  Monsters Inc., so cute!
Bobbi sent a number of cases with a Halloween theme. Great idea. I especially like the busyness of the one below.
At this point we have 143 donated pillowcases. Actually, I need to count the at least 26 cases that I know Jenny finished and are just waiting on me to come for a visit and pick them up. So, counting Jenny's, we have 169.  We're almost at the 200 mark. This is just so exciting!!!
Next week I'll show you a few of the cases that I have made.
The drive for the pillowcases continues until the end of summer, so there is plenty of time to make up a few if you would like. Just email me and let me know that you would like to participate, Here is a link to the simplified instructions that I put together,
A parting shot. I absolutely love clematis and mine is in full bloom at the moment. The clematis seems like such a happy plant. It doesn't require a lot of attention, it just wants to be able to climb!
Hope you're having a lovely day.


  1. How lovely, the pillow cases are fabulous and moving, thank you so much for sharing.
    It looks so beautiful and green there, the abundance of rain has made it look so lush.
    Hope you enjoy your Independence Day!

    1. So good to hear from you! Hope you had a great holiday. We usually keep it quiet. It's a very upsetting day for the dogs. Poor things, they were under my bed panting and shaking. But I made a nice dinner and we, my his and and I, sat outside. Then we took a walk and got an ice cream cone. Mine was dipped!!
      We have had a great amount of rain. I haven't had to put the sprinklers on yet!!
      The pillowcases are so lovely. When I hang them up I can feel the compassion that was sewn into each and every one :)
      Hope uou're able to find a little relief from the heat. I know it has been rather extreme in Houston.

  2. Wonderful, wonderful! I'm amazed at the kindness of everyone involved in the awesome project!
