Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mary Bridge Pillowcase Update

We have over 100 pillowcases finished!!!!!!!!!!!! I just don't have them in my hands yet. Jenny has done at least 25, but forgive me if I'm wrong Jenny, as she may have done a few more, I just can't remember. Another friend of mine has done 10 and will be getting those to me soon. At the moment I have 92 in my hands with at least another 35 finished pillowcases on their way. So with my pledge of 200 and the almost 100 I have in my hands, we are at the 300 mark with only 600 more to go in order to reach the goal of 900. 
Last Saturday I received a box of 10 from Linda who lives in Texas. This is her second contribution and she told me that she is working on a few more. Just so very generous. Thank you so much!
In preparation for the first 100, my husband and I strung a new line across my garden. We managed to pull down my arbor. I should have taken a picture. Too late though as it is back in place. Now we know where we need to tie the lines :) I was in the process of hanging Linda's pillowcases when the arbor went down. My husband is just the best, takes everything in stride and helped me get it all back in place and retie the line. I keep life interesting!!!  
When I received the package from Linda, this was the pillowcase that she placed on top. She said that it was  done especially for me! Such fun!
I just love seeing everyone's creativity at work. Linda paired the apple fabric with the birds on the border.
My garden is coming in more and more. You can see that I have a lot of work to do with the wheelbarrow full of hostas to plant. Guess what I'll be doing all weekend!! My peonies popped just yesterday. This is a very old bush, probably over 50 years old. So fragrant and beautiful
My Sir Thomas Lipton rose bush. Talk about fragrant. When I walk under this bush, it's like being in the most fragrant cloud. I actually brought this plant back from Texas. It was no more than a foot and a half tall when I brought it home.
This did not photograph well, but this is my sage bush. I've never allowed it to bloom as I love to harvest the sage, but this year I decided to just see what would happen. It really is quite pretty and the bees are in heaven.
Hopefully I'll have the first 100 cases in my hands next week. Once I do, I will do my first 100 shot! I can't wait. Thank you to everyone who has contributed. It truly means the world to me.
A parting shot of the pile! It doesn't look like 92 but trust me, it feels like 92!
The project will continue throughout the summer so there is plenty of time to participate if you like. Here is a link to the instructions, Even just one pillowcase will be greatly appreciated. Just send me an email and let me know that you would like to participate,
Thanks again!

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