Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Pillowcases For Mary Bridge

I haven't given an update on the pillowcases for a while and I need to. At this point, I have received 60 cases!! This does not include the cases I am making, this number is from generous people all over America. I feel so very humbled to be a part of this. With all the bad news that we are constantly bombarded with, it's easy to begin to believe that this world is a bad place, but all I have to do is look in my mail box and I can tell you that this is a wonderful world filled with extremely generous people.
The cases that I am featuring today are from Diane. They made their way to Chicago by way of Georgia. Aren't they wonderful?!!
This was my favorite! It's entirely piece and lined. I told Diane that I was tempted to keep this one, but I won't :-)
Her cases have this label attached. So special. Thank you Diane for your generosity!
My dream to collect 900 cases was featured on the Mary Bridge Facebook page. You can see the article here,
If you would like to join in, send me an email, Any amount that you can do will be appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. muy lindas fundas de almohadas, me encantan
