Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fun News!!

Hey Everyone! I'm feeling exceptionally great today. You should see me. I have dirt smeared all over my face, actually, I'm dirty head to toe and I smell like a dog;) I guess I could take a picture...but I won't! and thankfully there is at least for now, no possible way to smell over the internet. Hopefully there never will be a way to smell anyone over the internet!!!! Could be a really bad thing:)) The weather has been so incredible the last few days, so I just couldn't resist getting out in my garden and starting my spring cleaning. Now if only the inside spring cleaning bug would bite!! Outside is always more fun.
As much as I like to talk about my garden, I do have something exciting to share with you, at least I think it is exciting. Rather than spoil the news here, I am going to send you over to the Sew News blog and let you read all about it there. Here is the link,  
I'm really excited about doing this as I think it will be so much fun!
Hope you all are having a great day too!


  1. Very cool, Rhonda! I look forward to the series.

  2. Yay for you! Now I just have to find that pattern. I hope those posts are up for a long time, 'cause I'm slow to do these things.

    1. I've created a special board on Pinterest that will link back to the posts, so hopefully you'll be able to easily find them whenever you want:)

  3. Cool, Rhonda! You're so inspiring, all the things you get up to!

  4. How exciting. Looking forward to seeing the collars.

  5. You deserve it! Your blog inspires many of us and you (obviously) know what you're doing.

  6. Awesome Rhonda, looking forward to seeing your collar drafts!

  7. Great news! Looking forward to reading the updates every Tuesday!
