Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Friday, March 8, 2013

Fabulous Free Pattern Friday, OOTD

We did this dress back in December, and although I've worn the dress a number of times, I've never posted a picture of me wearing it. So today......
I'm Hanging On A Cliff
Today is International Women's Day and I had a luncheon to attend. It was very interesting. There was a woman from India who spoke about the plight of women in India. So sad. We also had a woman by the name of Lisa Madigan speak. She is the Attorney General for the State of Illinois. As it turns out, Illinois was one of the first states to give women the right to vote. All in all, a very interesting luncheon.  But, back to the dress. If you'll remember, the dress is just rectangles. You can see the post here,
Here is the dress laying flat. You can see that it is tapered on one side. Once you get the piece together, try it on and pinch it in on the one side to give the dress a slimmer silhouette. With the dress laying flat, you can see the bodice is just a rectangle turned on its end and attached to another rectangle that is the skirt.
The dress is fitted and floaty all at the same time. As I was on the train coming home, I decided that I want another, so you may see this again!
I had every intention of putting together a new piece for today, but I was so tired last night and rather than pick myself up and get busy, I gave into tired and watched Project Runway!!! Hopefully you'll forgive me.
Hope you've had a fabulous Friday!


  1. Love the dress on you, Rhonda especially the way the pattern in the material adds another dimension to the dress

  2. I lit up when I saw this post...I have been wanting to make a dress from McCall's 6400. Seeing your dress has confirmed my notion. I'm just gonna do it. And, the fabric that I wanted to use is very similar to yours, except it is pink colors. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Don't walk, run go do it! You'll love the outfit. Would love to see your fabric. Sounds wonderful. I love pink!!

  3. You look beautiful! Everything you make is gorgeous and so unique! YOU should be on Project Runway! ;)

    1. Thanks Stephanie:) I tried to email you, but it bounced back. I would still like to post your clock pillow. Email me if you are still interested,

  4. That is so beautiful on you, Rhonda!

  5. Great dress! So flattering in that fabric.
