Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, January 21, 2013

One Last Bit of Monday Inspiration

I have been smiling quite a bit the last few days. First, the picture of all those lovely feet sporting slippers and then I opened a new message from Here is a picture of her wonderfully fun creation,
This is a woman who isn't afraid or timid about giving something new a try and the result is always wonderful. She did her version of the Fabulous Free Pattern Friday piece pictured below.
If you would like to see the original post, you can find it here, It's nothing more than 2 rectangles. Super easy, but it is something you can throw on and look wonderful in with very little effort. I wear mine with tights and little flats. A side note, I had this on this past summer, as I was running across the street into a Starbucks. A guy held the door and waited for me to get across the street. Trust me, it was the top and not me!!! Maybe I should change the name to the Magic Top rather than the Flutter Top ;-)
She said that she is channeling her inner hippie which explains the addition of the "Peace" and "Love" notes on the pictures.
I love the fabric she used and I especially like how the fabric gave a lettuce edge on the belt. Any hippie I know would be so proud to wear her creation.
Now most of you know that I LOVE my shoes and I notice shoes everywhere I go. I think the shoes are perfect!!!!
Great, great job! Make sure you check out her blog and get the whole story, Just skip over the first few paragraphs as she gives me just a little too much credit.....but I really appreciate it!  


  1. Thanks for showcasing my top and blog!
    I love those shoes too. They are a recent acquisition and are wonderfully comfortable. I need to work more yellow into my wardrobe so I can wear them more often.

    1. They look comfortable. Cute and comfortable usually don't go together, so a double score for these shoes. Good thing you don't live closer as I would want to lift the shoes!!
      Enjoy your top. You did such a nice job and I really do love the fabric.

    2. I have lots of that fabric left, at least 4 yards. You are most welcome to have some or all of it. Or anyone else who fancies it- just leave a comment on my blog.

      It was one of those purchases just because the fabric was unique. It's been in my stash for at least 5 years and I've really struggled to match it to a pattern. Your top was perfect. But I don't need another one!
