Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Gold Star Award!

"Oh, I just have to brag on this child a bit!" Words from my grandmother that ring very sweetly in my memory. The fact is that regardless of how old we get, we love when someone takes notice of our work. I opened my email this afternoon and found a message from Jenny, a follower, with a picture of her wonderful Tree Of Life Bag creation.   
She wrote, "It took a while but the purse is done and loved by all who have seen it." You did a wonderful job Jenny, it's gorgeous!
As I've said before, I just love to brag on all of you who take a chance on something I have posted. Whether it's the click of a "Like" button on Facebook, or a mention on a blog, it's nice to recognized. Somehow, I think it takes us back to those years as a child when we earned a gold star on a homework paper or a grandparent gushed all over us. It just feels good. When you take the chance on something I've posted and you are happy with the results, it's just the best feeling.....ever!!!! 
Pictured above is the original Tree Of Life Bag that I made. If you think that you would like to give it a try, you can find the instructions and all of the posts that I did on the bag here,
Congratulations Jenny!! You've earned a Gold Star!


  1. As a new subscriber to your blog I never saw this bag the first time round,but it is lovely and Jenny has done a beautiful job too.

    1. She really did do a lovely job.
      So happy to have you :) thanks for following!

  2. Certainly, the name of your blog does justice to you! You are sooooo creative ... I do not get tired of me saying it forever!

    1. Rosy, you are such a sweetheart! You are truly a bright spot in my life!
