Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Morning Inspiration

Some Things Never Change 
Today's post is really not inspirational, but maybe it will make you smile a bit or even give you a little chuckle. A light heart can put me in an inspirational mood, so I hope it will do the same for you.
I was recently going through some old pictures and I found this picture of me when I was eleven months old,
and it made me think about this picture. (I posted about this dress here.)
Just about the same pose. Hair is longer and my cheeks are not quite so round anymore. And my nose grew, a lot! Funny!
The outfit was made by my grandmother. It was a fine wale corduroy, my favorite fabric at the time. Believe it or not, I was such a tomboy, I wanted no part of a dress, in fact my mother says that I would start crying if I saw her take a dress out of the closet. My idea of a perfect wardrobe was corduroy pants for the winter and a bathing suit for the summer and only one of each would have been fine. Oh, and only one pair of shoes, my cowgirl boots. Boots work with a bathing suit, right? So, some things do change. I, for the most part live in a dress and well, let's just say I no longer feel that one pair of shoes will suffice.
Wishing you all a lovely week. It's a gloomy, rainy Monday morning here in Chicago. It's actually a favorite day for me. I don't want them all the time, but I love how quiet and peaceful they are. 
Peace to all of you,


  1. LOLOL. Omigosh, how cute are you? And walking at 11 months? Wow, you must have been a challenge to keep track of!

  2. Read between the lines and you'll see that I was probably a challenge in many ways, i.e. the clothing situation. Look closely at that picture and you can probably see a little devil in those eyes as well!!

  3. Oh, a young fashionista in waiting! Too sweet!

  4. Hi,
    Found your blog this evening and have been enjoying it.
    I live in Queensland Aust. with my husband and daughters dog Hippo.
    So clever the way you put it together.
    I am in my shhh 70's and wish I had started to sew again few years ago.
    Am determent to teach our one and only grandchild to sew.
    Was unable to have my daughter pick up a needle , but the 4 year old runs around with the centimeter and measures us all.
    Thank you for your blog. Corry

    1. So happy that you found me Corry!! By the way, numbers really have no meaning!!!
