Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Saturday, November 5, 2011

And The Winner Is..............

It's DEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea!!!!!
I was fair, I promise. I put everyone's name on a little slip of paper, put them all in a box and drew a name.
Congratulations Dei. Email your address to me,, and I will get the wristlet in the mail to you.
I'll have another contest soon, so sign up as you never know what I'll have up my sleeve.
Now for a little Saturday cleanup. I promised some pictures of me in the last two outfits that I posted. I"m also including a picture of me in this Free Pattern Friday post.
 I wore this for the first time today and I was very happy with it.
 From yesterday's Free Pattern Friday. I didn't realize that the picture didn't turn out that well. At least you get an idea of what it looks like on a body.
Myra asked me to do a little tutorial on the pleated neckline. I'll post that tomorrow, Sunday. It's really VERY easy to do.
The back neckline. All in all, I'm very happy with the dress and I'm looking forward to wearing it. I'm going to make something smashing to wear in my hair.
This is the Vogue 1250 dress that I posted yesterday. Again, my pictures aren't that great, but hopefully you get the idea. If you need a nice dress and you don't have a lot of time, this dress is really no more than 2 hours start to finish. I highly recommend the pattern.

Enjoy your weekend. We're having a spectacular day here in Chicago. Hope you are too.


  1. Boy Rhonda, I really am going to be the last one to make this dress, LOL. You look fantastic in it. I like the red dress too, it's perfect for that holiday formal event.

  2. Thanks so much Sherril. Believe me, the dress is so simple to make, once you get it made, you'll make more.
